I miss my mom.
Next month, she will have been in Heaven for 10 months. It feels like forever, and yet it doesn't feel real yet.
I'm finding out I still have a lot of anger toward my brother and my sisters. I'm having a very hard time letting go of things that happened after mom died.
Mom was more than just my mom. I was a late in life baby, and an oddball among my peers (still am), so it was just me, Mom and Dad. And, while I loved my dad, I adored my mom.
Dad was John Wayne, Jerry Falwell, and Ronald Reagan, with a little sprinkling of Billy Graham thrown in for good measure. He was larger than life, and he often overshadowed everyone around him, especially my mom.
I would go to him for discussions on doctrine, politics, and every day kinds of topics...but I shared my heart with Mom. It wasn't until I was married and had my children that I found out that my dad was jealous of my relationship with my mom.
Mom was my kindred spirit. We thought alike, and we thoroughly enjoyed each other's company. She did a lot for me, since when I was born she was able to stay home and raise me. She taught me to love God passionately, to pray diligently, and to love reading.
She was my reading buddy. We would share books, and talk about what we liked and didn't like about certain authors. When I would hear a new book was going to release, I'd call her and we'd both get so excited about it! I still have certain authors that I love, but can't read right now for the memories of Mom.
I remember a dress my mom sewed for me. It was green check, with a gathered skirt and lace edged cap sleeves that tied with green ribbons. I hated that dress...made me feel like I should lie down and let people picnic on me...but I'd give anything to have that dress now. She was so proud of it, and it took so much to create it.
I was chubby, geeky, and awkward growing up. Mom made me feel like a princess. She helped me believe that I could do anything, be anything, and everything I did was brilliant, or at least close to it. She was my biggest fan, and I admired her.
Sometimes I can't remember anything. And then there are times that the memories flood over me til I feel as if I can't breathe for the pain. When I would feel so incredibly overwhelmed by life, Mom would throw me a lifeline and we would muddle through it together.
I knew I had finally become an adult when she would call me, crying on my shoulder about her struggles, and let me pull her out. We could both be in the foulest moods and then call each other...and an hour later feel so lighthearted again.
It's so hard to explain to people about this huge gaping hole in my heart. Everybody's mom is so special to them, and many other women feel close ot their moms. For those who aren't close to their own moms, it creates a void in their lives and I know this. Either way, when your mom dies, it's a deep hurt that never really goes away.
It's just that...our relationship went so deep. When I went to junior high, Dad discovered a love for trucking. By the time I was in high school, he was often gone early and back home late. By college, he was gone more often than he was home. It was just me and mom.
We'd do girlfriend things, like cooking different foods we liked and watching cheesy TV movies. We'd giggle together, and I pretty much told her everything about the guys in my life. She'd tell me her stories, and I'd tell her mine.
Once we went out for pizza on a Friday night. She noticed all the kids hanging out together and asked me if I was embarrassed to be out with her. I had no idea what she was talking about...her, embarrass me?? What was she thinking! I was proud to go out with her.
I know I'm incredibly blessed to have had a mom like mine, and to have enjoyed 42 years with such an amazing woman in my life. But, it wasn't enough. I wasn't done yet. And the richness we brought to each other...well, it kind of dried up. I feel like an empty husk at times, and a little lost.
Before you want to lecture me on how God is my all in all and my all sufficient, I already know all of those things. Believe me, God has gotten me through some incredibly dark days, and it is only through His grace and provision that I am doing as well as I am.
Those who know me expected me to be a basket case when my mom died. But I'm doing remarkably well, all things considered. It comes and goes, and I suppose it always will. As we approach the one year anniversary (oh, my...can it be so close???), I expect it will get harder.
As much as I complain, I know I'm an incredibly blessed woman. I have two children and a dear husband right now, sleeping peacefully as I type this, that have stood with me and held me up and let me weep...and allowed me to regain my footing these last few months.
My dear, sweet husband has basically carried me the entire time. I don't know that he has had his own time to grieve...and I know I have woefully not been the wife I once was. I'm trying to get back to being her...but it is so hard.
Some days it is all I can do to wake up and appear normal...not all, but some days are like this. Then others, I seem and am just fine. I really don't know why I'm sharing all of this with you. I just couldn't sleep...the words just kept coming and I knew I had to get them all down before they disappeared again.
Right now, despite the love I have in my family...despite the wondrous kinship I have with my husband...I feel so lonely. I ache to my bones with it.
I miss my mom.
Please, pray for me. I know it will ease once again...but for right now, it hurts...deeply.
Thank you for hanging in there with me on this post. I know it's long. My apologies.
Be blessed, my dear friends...
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
A Long Post From My Heart Tonight...
Posted by Deena Peterson at 11:05 PM 8 comments
Don't Let This Happen To YOU!
A very dirty little fellow came in from playing in the yard and asked his mother, "Who am I?"
Ready to play the game, she said, "I don't know, who are you?
"WOW!" cried the little boy. "Mrs. Johnson was right! She said I was so dirty, my own MOTHER wouldn't recognize me!"
Let's not get so dirty playing with the world that we cannot be recognized...as one of God's children...
Be blessed,
Posted by Deena Peterson at 8:44 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Time Keeps On Tickin', Tickin', Tickin'...Into the Future!!!
It's a curious thing.
Something we rarely have enough of it seems.
And yet, consider this:
Last night, we chose to MAKE TIME and spend the evening with friends. We laughed, we watched a video, we enjoyed a casual dinner. It was fun.
This weekend, I chose to HAVE TIME for my children...my son was sick, so we played cards together. My daughter was troubled, so we had a long heart-to-heart chat...then she went and had another one with her dad.
A few days ago, a friend chose to TAKE TIME to encourage me. She didn't know how low I was feeling, but her kind words lifted my spirit and helped to heal my heart.
Time was created for us, and yet it tends to be our master. I, like everyone else, cry the universal cry of "I just don't have time!"
Well, I'm choosing to put time back under my control as best I can, to stop WASTING TIME, LOSING TIME, and NOT FORGETTING JUST HOW LITTLE TIME WE MAY HAVE...
See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. Colossians 4:5
Be blessed, and take the time to bless someone today...
Edited to add: Yes, I know...I mixed up two different song lyrics for my post title...I'm notorious for doing this...I meant "Time Keeps On Slippin', Slippin', Slippin'...Into the Future." But I crossed wires with a song that goes, "Time keeps tickin' away, it keeps tick-tick-tickin' away..." So sorry for all you music fans out there!!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 7:51 AM 3 comments
Monday, May 28, 2007
Stickin' To My Guns!
Ever do this: You form an opinion, based on information you've gathered, researched, analyzed, and you feel very sound in your opinion.
Then someone comes along and disagrees with you...and everything you thought now comes into question.
Why do we do that? We invalidate ourselves, simply because someone doesn't see things our way.
Doesn't matter what it is...I've been known to waffle. In fact, my husband often asks me, in frustration, "Can't I just disagree with you without you flipping out on me?"
I read a book by Joyce Meyer once that dealt with this very topic, called The Root of Rejection. And that's what all of it is rooted in...rejection.
If you disagree with me, you are not only rejecting my opinion, you're rejecting me. You are proving to myself and to others that I'm not worthy.
Now, in print, that seems silly, but in real life, this is a battle I fight nearly every day. And being a book reviewer, let me read a review that disagrees with mine, or have someone comment that they liked it when I didn't, or vice versa...and am I off on a tangent now!
Now, there are a few things you can't budge me on...salvation by grace, the One true God, Jesus is God's Son, and God made flesh...the Bible is the Word of God...
But even things I'm sure of, I can be made to doubt. All because I don't fully believe in myself. If you struggle with this issue, I highly recommend the book I discussed earlier.
And feel free to disagree with me...I'm a work in progress, and it's good for me. I need to learn to stick to my guns!!
Be blessed, and know you're a blessing...no argument!!
Edited to add: I probably should have clarified...it is ok to disagree...it can even be healthy. Discussion is good, when it is done with mutual respect. But what I'm referring to is immediately assuming your opinion or thoughts are wrong or invalid simply because someone disagrees with you.
What triggered this was a book review I read on someone else's blog about a book I enjoyed, but they took issue with.
Immediately I felt like something was wrong with my judgment, and I had to talk to myself til I realized I was doing it again. I watch women like Rosie and Elisabeth argue, and admire E so much for standing up for herself...I would most likely cave, or walk away feeling I was warped for even thinking as I did...
At one time I automatically caved whenever someone disagreed with me. Now, I'm learning that everyone doesn't have to think I'm right, or to agree with my pov...I'm entitled to hold my opinion even when others don't. Not in arrogance, but in my value as a human being, created in His image, with a mind that He gave me.
Hope that clears up any misunderstanding...feel free to debate amongst yourselves!!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 9:51 AM 3 comments
Sunday, May 27, 2007
I'm Home Today...
I'll be home all day today with a sick boy.
It's nice to know he still needs his Mama, though:-)
Pray for him, and for me...I'm not feeling all that hot myself:-(
Be blessed today, and pop in and tell me what you received from God today! I could use the encouragement!!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 8:23 AM 2 comments
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Still A Lie..
I wish I could remember where I read this quote, but I do know it is from Beth Moore. She said, "Even if the person we present to people is a very good person, if it isn't who we really are, it's still a lie. And it is still sin."
At least, I think that was how it went.
But the principle is still true. I deal with perception in my life a lot. Usually, it's of my own making, but occasionally it is a true issue.
I'm a pastor's wife, and for many that creates an image that I'm here to tell you frankly, I just cannot measure up to. Sometimes, just living up to someone's perception of a Christian is difficult for me.
I'm rarely seen in pantyhose, or a skirt. My favorite is a knee-high little black number that makes me feel young again. But most times you'll find me in jeans or in slacks of some kind.
I don't enjoy showers of any kind...baby, wedding, anniversary...I guess I'm just not a party person. I may love you to bits, but I won't feel comfortable there, so I most likely will not come. But I'll buy you a really fun gift!!
I'm not fond of traditional women's ministry, which is ironic, because I lead a women's Bible study. But I think most would admit, I don't do it a "traditional" way...which may turn some off...but I'm unique, and I'm learning to live with it.
I'm not always perky and chipper. I tend to be very emotional, and while I've gotten it under better control, I can't mask it with a smile and a "praise the Lord" many times. If I'm sad, you'll most likely notice. If I'm cranky, you'll see that...but I promise to always be funny...my sense of humor is something I rarely lose!!
And that's another thing. I'm very sarcastic, and witty, and funny...and I'm not conventional about it at all. If I see an opportunity to difuse a situation with humor, I'll plow right ahead and do it.
I'm protective of my husband and my kids, so don't come to me about any of them with your complaints or demands. They come first for me. They belong to God first, and I trust Him to tell them where they fall short. But I will ask you to pray for them all, since they are on the front lines many times, if not all the time.
So, have I blown your perception of me yet? Here's a little more...
I'm not conventional in any sense of the word. I love the Lord passionately, which can get me into trouble. I get bored very easily, which is probably why I like short term Bible studies and reading different books a lot.
I'm very opinionated, and have a hard time keeping my opinions to myself. I'm getting better, but still have a long way to go. And I despise sin, especially the sin that holds on to me or someone I love. It can seem as if I'm angry with you, but I'm actually angry with the one who has taken you captive, and I will get aggresive on your behalf in prayer.
Because I'm very passionate, I tend to get wounded easily, and it takes time for me to heal. I try to give the benefit of the doubt, but it's hard, because I've been deliberately wounded in church so many times...but I'll love you anyway, and I'll work for reconciliation...I'll just need a little time to get my feet under me again.
I have the best of intentions, but I often have my mouth writing checks my body cannot cash. I don't like to admit it, but I battle several illnesses that I never know when they'll flare up...and the older I get, the harder it is to work around them. So, I'll want to help you...I'll want to support you with my presence...but I won't always be able to.
I pray hard and deeply. I love the Lord and His Word with a passion. I don't enjoy praise and worship, but I love the messages that come through teaching and preaching. I take notes, and I actually re-read them.
I want to be more than I am, but I'm learning to like myself til I get where I'm headed. I care, I love, and I feel...just not like most people do. But you'll never have a bigger supporter in your corner than me.
So, that's who I am. I hope you all still love me. I'm working hard to no longer live a lie...and this is my first step.
It's scary, but freeing at the same time. And know this...I'm a work in progress, just like you...so let's give each other time to grow, while getting each other's backs, shall we?? Feel free to be you around me...'cause I like you that way!! And it frees me to be...well, me!
Be blessed, and be the you God created...and let Him shape and mold you...'cause He does a much better job than anyone else can!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 11:28 AM 7 comments
Friday, May 25, 2007
When Was The Last Time...
A friend asked this question: If you could go back 20 years in time, what would you change?
My response: I would have worried less and enjoyed life with God more.
Then last night our oldest daughter stopped by and was rattling off some random Hollywood gossip, to which her dad responded, "But I don't care!"
On the TV, news of the war breaking out in Lebanon was being broadcasted...and I told her "That's something worth caring about."
To which she replied, "Where's Lebanon?"
All of that got me thinking, and that led to this meme. If you'd like to play, feel free to post it to your blog. I'm not tagging anyone this time. But please, come back and leave me a link once you post yours...I'd love to stop by and read it.
Said "I love you?"
This morning when I left for work...told my two kids and my hubby.
Yesterday, for three very dear friends, via email and blog.
Read the Word?
Yesterday, I dug into Lamentations and Jeremiah.
Hugged someone?
This morning...I was in a rush, but hubby stopped me for a hug, and it felt so good to be held!
Told someone about Jesus?
You know, I talk about Him all the time, but I honestly cannot remember directly sharing about Him with anyone...
Shared your burden(s)?
I think I whined to my husband yesterday...does that count??
Lent a helping hand?
Yesterday at work...offered to type a letter a few days early to relieve some stress...not for me, for her!!
Told God "Thank You!"?
This morning, when He sent my hubby in to wake me up for work...overslept BIG TIME and was a little late!
Spent time being quiet?
Ummm, late yesterday...didn't read, didn't blog, didn't talk....just sat for a bit. But not long enough!
Ok, I think that will get the juices flowing on what's important in this life. If you have anything to add...feel free to let me know.
Be blessed...just because I love you!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 9:57 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Some Random Thoughts From Me...
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. II Corinthians 12:9
I read a lot on other blogs about how weak we feel at times, how insufficient we are for the tasks life brings our way. Isn't it refreshing to read how our weaknesses unleash the power of God in our lives if we'll just let them?
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." Lamentations 3:22-24
Yesterday might have been a real stinker of a day, but it is done and gone...and we awake to new mercies, new compassion from our Father in Heaven. Have you had your portion of God today? It's just waiting for you!
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:30-31
When I find myself bone weary, and I wonder, "Okay, Lord, I'm waiting for my strength to be renewed," and it doesn't happen...then I have to ask myself--where's my hope? Who or what am I waiting on? If it's the Lord, then the promise is mine...but if it's not, then who am I kidding? Too often, it's waiting til the check comes, or til the kids finish school, or til I can get a good night's sleep, or til I lose that extra weight...anything, but the One I'm supposed to wait upon.
Just some random thoughts today...
Be blessed!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 1:36 PM 3 comments
Thankful Thursday--Cyber Six-Pack!
Today I'm thankful for:
1) My husband, since he's the one who got me started blogging by starting HIS blog at Pastor Dave Lets His Hair Down. I only wish he had time to blog more!
2) The internet--I'm so glad Al invented it! Sorry, that's an old joke, but I couldn't resist! I've met some wonderful bloggers and chatted with some very creative authors via the net. And it gave me a chance to meet and to pray for Kelli and Heather.
3) Email--I absolutely adore email! Since a big part of my job is talking on the phone, I don't really care much for the phone...but email...sign me up and send me some! I love checking my mail and seeing someone has left a comment on my blog.
4) My blogs--I don't know which one I love more...this one, for my devotional thoughts, my fun blog, where I get to just be silly, or my book review blog.
5) MySpace--yes, you read that right! Before you throw stones, MySpace reconnected my husband with my step-children (that is still a work in progress, so we'd appreciate your prayers), and also reconnected us with friends from church I haven't seen in almost 20 years. Any tool is a good tool if it's used responsibly.
6) Author websites--I can explore, email, sign up for newsletters, and find out about new releases coming, enter contests, and discover just how fascinating my favorite authors really are!
So, there you have my Cyber Six-Pack! What are you thankful for today? To read more thankful posts, click on the picture at the top of my post and go visit Iris!
Be blessed today, and be thankful!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 7:29 AM 20 comments
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
In Other Words Wednesday...
From Beth Moore's "Praying God's Word Day By Day"
Unlike people, Christ is never intimidated by the depth of our need and the demonstration of our weakness.
Isn't that the coolest thing?
Be blessed!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 4:58 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Feast...Or Famine?
Thank you to all who posted advice and comments for me yesterday. I'm taking your words to heart, and I do appreciate you stepping up and helping out.
I think one reason, if not the main reason, we struggle with saying no is our faith. Somehow, somewhere along the line, we've bought the lie that we are to lay down our lives for others, and to be so self-sacrificing that we practically disappear.
Lately I feel like my faith in Christ is used as a weapon against me. Someone caught in a sin will say things to me like, "I thought you Christians were supposed to love everybody."
We are, but that doesn't mean we have to accept what they do.
Another one I've heard is that "You never say no to your church; you're placed there to serve."
We are placed there to serve, but we serve Christ, and He guides us in how to serve one another.
Satan knows he's defeated. He knows he has pretty much one last gasp for air before Jesus returns to whip him and his minions. I believe he knows the end better than we do.
He's not content to persecute us from outside. Now he's doing it from within our own ranks. This isn't any big shocker; he's been doing this for a very long time. But now he's doing it with a twist.
He knows Scripture better than many Christians do, and he's taking full advantage of our lack of knowledge. When he takes Biblical concepts and warps them, and we don't know enough to defend ourselves and do so with confidence...we are in a world of hurt.
Hosea tells us that God says, "my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge",
Amos warns us that ""The days are coming," declares the Sovereign LORD, "when I will send a famine through the land—not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD. Men will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the LORD, but they will not find it", (8:11-12).
How sad for a starving man to live in a warehouse of grain! How much more to live in a country that is glutted with Bibles, in a variety of translations and a rainbow of colors...and we are starving for God's Word.
I know I've fallen victim to those lies I mentioned above. Any lies satan has convinced you are truth, only to find out they don't exist in Scripture? Let's debunk some of his urban legends, and set the record straight today!!
Be blessed, and may you have a deep insatiable hunger for His Word!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 7:25 AM 3 comments
Monday, May 21, 2007
The Art of Saying "No"...
I have a very bad habit--maybe you have the same one. Quite simply, my mouth writes checks that my body can't cash. I have wonderful intentions, but no follow-thru.
Take this weekend for example. A dear sister at our church is about to become a grandmother again, and she graciously invited me to the baby shower. I fully intended to go.
I RSVP'd as a "yes", bought a cute gift, and then ended up feeling as if a truck had run over me, then backed up to see what he had hit. I ended up sleeping 36 out of the last 48 hours...and I still hurt so bad I could cry.
I'm older, my body has been through major back surgery, and I have two if not three auto-immune diseases that I fight on a regular basis. Some of the health scares that I've dealt with have crept up on my like London fog; others have hit like a tsunami of bone-level weariness and pain.
While I have the best of intentions, I feel like a flake. And it's all because I just can't bring myself to say no--to my friends, my family, my work, and my church. So I overcommit, then have to bail, and feel like a horrible person.
No is just such a negative word. It implies negativity just by its very nature. It is short and to the point, and hearing it can be short and pointed. I don't like being told no; how can I tell someone else no??
And yet Scripture plainly teaches me that my yes needs to be yes and my no to be no (James 5:12). So to say yes when I know I need to say no...to say yes when I know I need to allow for a no...that is sin.
So, help me out...how are you at saying no? What are some less painful ways you've found to say no? And is it ok for me to say no?
Weigh in here...leave a comment.
Be blessed, and be thankful for your blessings today.
Posted by Deena Peterson at 7:44 AM 4 comments
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Who Am I Kidding??
Today has been a sluggish day. I've had arthritis flare-ups for several weeks now...almost ready to holler "Uncle" and go see the doc.
But I slept a LOT today, then vegged on the sofa with my daughter. I was supposed to go to a baby shower, but failed to go. So we curled up and watched recorded season finales of our favorite crime dramas: Numb3rs, CSI, CSI Miami, and finally CSI NY.
CSI NY ROCKED!! I do believe it was the best of the best of all three shows. But I almost didn't watch it. I thought it was going to be so stupid. Basic premise: the cops bust a cocaine ring tied to the mob..and the mob comes to the CSI lab to get the coke back.
But it was intense. It showed sides of each character that we didn't know they had. It was well orchestrated. It was chocked full of suspense. And it ended with a bang.
At one point, both K and I were screaming at the TV, "No, don't shoot! Don't shoot! It's not them!" And, low and behold...they didn't shoot! I turned to her, we high fived, and I said, "I do believe our screaming just saved two lives!"
Who was I kidding? It was Adam jumping up and stopping the cops from firing, not us. But it felt good to think we had something to do with it.
Aren't we that way with God? We think we're just helping Him along in life, telling Him stuff and pointing out things He could do to make so and so's life better, heal him or her, and bring about world peace. And He does it His way...with no help from us, and it turns out so much better.
Had those cops been able to hear two hysterical females screaming...they probably WOULD have shot someone!! So, the next time you're tempted to help God out (or I'm tempted)...just picture me screaming at the TV and thinking I've saved the day.
When you're done laughing, thank God that He doesn't need our help, and be blessed!!
P.S. It really is an awesome episode...watch it if you can, and then let me know if you tried to save lives too:-)
Posted by Deena Peterson at 8:48 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 18, 2007
Feet of Clay...
In addition to the Bible study, Wholly Devoted, for which this blog is named, I'm involved in another study called "Downpour" on Wednesday evenings at my church. I LOVE Bible studies...been thinking about a third one for summertime...I could have easily become a monk, studying Scripture and nothing else...except for that weird hair and those itchy robes and not being able to talk......but, I digress...
In the study for this week, we're to take a good hard look at sin in the mirror, and then get alone with God and ask Him to reveal to us any sin we're harboring in our hearts or struggling with on a fairly regular basis. That in itself is difficult enough.
But then we're supposed to confess our sin to someone in order for them to pray for us and to hold us accountable (based on James 5:16).
Whoa there...confess my sin?? But, I'm a pastor's wife...a Bible study leader...a blogger extraordinaire...I CAN'T CONFESS MY SIN!! What would people think!!
And therein lies the problem. If I let my role in life define me as a believer...if others put me up on a pedestal, holding me up as an example to themselves or to others...then how in the wide, wide world of sports am I ever going to be healed of the sin that so easily besets me?
I mean, come on...if I believed my own press, I would think I'm sumpin' sumpin'...know what I'm sayin', Dawg!! But I know my innermost thoughts, wishes, desires...and struggles. It ain't always pretty inside this cute little head, people!! I don't watch CSI and read murder mysteries just because....gotta get my agressions out somehow, doncha know (That was a joke, people...put down your cell phones...no need to call the FBI!!)
The Book of Daniel talks about a statue made of the strongest metals known to man (Daniel 2), but the feet were made of clay. The weight of the metals and the blows from the rock that struck the statue crushed the feet, and the statue toppled over.
If I'm not careful, I am that statue. The praises and admiration of others make me feel 10 feet tall (which would make me look VERY THIN, by the way!), and bulletproof...but I have feet of clay. Let life throw me a hard one, and I'm crushed and toppled and I can't get up.
So, admire people. Praise them. But follow them as they follow Jesus. And know that we have this heavenly treasure in jars of clay (isn't that a band?), fragile and easily destroyed, but for the grace of God. We all sin, and we all struggle with sin...even those of us who don't want to admit it.
I haven't chosen my confessor yet...I get queasy thinking about it...I just hope she'll allow me the freedom to be healed of my sin...and to allow God to use her as an instrument of healing.
Be blessed, and know that we are all struggling in some way...but God is good!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 9:28 AM 0 comments
The Prayer Wall
Please go to The Prayer Wall for prayer needs. I have two requests posted today.
Thank you, and be blessed today!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Thankful Thursday--It's All About The Savior!
1) I'm thankful that Jesus came to earth as a tiny baby, living his perfect life and experiencing all manner of things, so that I can go to Him and know He gets me.
2) I'm thankful that Jesus called such a motley bunch of disciples to follow after Him, so that I would fit right in, no matter who I was.
3) I'm thankful that Jesus taught truth everywhere He went, so that in an age of relative truth, I have a something solid to believe in.
4) I'm thankful that Jesus challenged the Pharisees on their hypocrisy, so that when I'm tempted to judge others, I can recognize their legacy in my life and turn from it.
5) I'm thankful that Jesus lived out his 33 years in full view of all, so that I know how I should live my life and know it's possible, because my Savior did it.
6) I'm thankful that Jesus prayed to His Father for everything, so that I know the importance of communication with my Father.
7) I'm thankful that Jesus put Himself under His Father's authority, so that I know the importance of being under God's authority and to not go my own way.
8) I'm thankful that Jesus was willing to suffer and die a horrid, bloody death, taking my place at Calvary, so that once I believed, I was assured Heaven with Him.
9) I'm thankful that Jesus rose from the dead, so that I can have assurance that He is able, and that He will do all He says He will do.
10) I'm thankful that both of my parents know the same Jesus that I know, and that I will be with them and Him forever.
What are you thankful for today? Check out more Thankful Thursday posts at Iris' place, Sting My Heart.
Be blessed, and thank God for Jesus...it feels good to focus on the Savior!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 7:33 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Another King's Child Has Gone Home!
Jerry Falwell has been promoted home.
Pray for his family, his church, his school...and for our nation.
Another light has gone out...but he is SO Blessed!!
I think I'm jealous:-)
Posted by Deena Peterson at 10:48 AM 1 comments
The Kingdom of Upside Down---An Original Parable...
This is an original parable/fairy tale that is rooted in truth...please enjoy, but don't link, copy or blog without my permission. Copyright by Deena Peterson, April 2007.
The Kingdom of Upside Down
Once there was a man who was searching, but he did not know what he was looking for. In his travels he came upon a vast and glorious kingdom. Eager to find what was within the kingdom walls, he entered the gates.
Soon he encountered a long parade of people. He stopped one of the men and asked, "Pilgrim, where do you journey?"
The man smiled and said, "Why, to see the King, of course! Come, join us on our pilgrimage!" He clapped the stranger on the back and gestured
toward his family. With a nod, the searcher joined the group.
Along their journey the searcher saw many dressed in splendor, their cheeks robust and their bodies full of vigor. But he also saw some dressed in rags, with health seemingly gone from their appearances. He wondered at the difference in those who made this long journey.
After a while, they came to the castle. There was a mad rush to the doors...all pressed to be the first to enter. Except for one. That one held the door open and gestured to all to enter, smiling and waiting for his own chance to go inside. IT wasn't until all were safe in the castle that he made his way inside.
Upon entering, the King saw the last one come in, and He gestured for this one to sit at his right hand. The others at first were stunned, then they remembered the kindness of the one. As he passed, they rose and applauded his selflessness. Those who had entered first moved down to make room.
The searcher shook his head in puzzlement. "This is all upside down," he whispered to himself.
The King, noticing the searcher, also gestured to him, that he should sit on the King's left. The searcher moved hesitantly, not knowing what to expect. He saw, out of the corner of his eye those who were tattered and
bedraggled, whose health seemed fleeting and so very frail.
The King noticed where his gaze fell and said, "What troubles you, my son?"
The searcher nodded toward the small gathering. "Those people, over there. They seem so sick, so frail. And yet they made this journey from who knows how great a distance!"
The King nodded his regal head. "And great is their reward for their
perseverance through pain and suffering to get to Me," He acknowledged. The searcher watched with wonder as the King's servants came and
bandaged the wounded and tenderly robed the ragged in splendor from His own treasures.
Those who came in their own splendor did not shine as those robed in the King's fabrics!
The searcher shook his head in puzzlement. "This is all upside down," he whispered to himself.
Another family approached the King. The little girl came forward and held out her hand. "Oh, great King, we longed to give You treasure for Your kingdom. My father and mother had a small tin cup. From this, we made these nails for You."
In her hand were three tiny nails, hand-formed and polished until they gleamed in the castle's light. The searcher wondered in amazement as the King took them and held them as if they were precious stones.
"Thank you, my dear girl," the King said with a smile. "I was in need of nails such as these, for a very delicate project of mine." The girl beamed at Him and ran back to her family. With tears welling in His kind and
gentle eyes, the King thanked her parents for their sacrifice.
The searcher shook his head in puzzlement. "This is all upside down," he whispered to himself.
"Well, that makes sense," the King whispered back to the searcher, "as I am the King of the Upside Down Kingdom."
"Who are You, great King?" the searcher asked with longing in his heart.
The King gestured for a servant to bring Him the Book of Remembrance. He took it and placed it before the searcher, opening to the first page. "My story begins here," He said, pointing His finger at a lowly enclave carved into a mountainside. The herds of cattle and flocks of sheep were evident in the image.
The searcher was shocked. "You? Born here? In a stable barely fit for animals?" He shook his head, "That seems so upside down."
The King nodded and turned the page. The images of the lowly shepherds appeared, bowed before the tiny manger. "You see, few gain entrance at a castle. But all may enter a stable."
The searcher nodded slowly, his understanding becoming more apparent in his expression. He took the book from the King, and looked at page
after page, of the King teaching and walking with the common and the lowly, the learned and the unlearned alike. He was amazed that One such as this great King would do such as this.
Finally, the searcher came to the end of the book. On the final page, was a quote etched in red ink: "If I am lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me."
"Then this is when You gained all of this?" the searcher asked the King, imagining that the palace and all it's riches drew people as a magnet.
"Oh, no," said the King with a sad but knowing smile. "Come with me," He said, pushing back His seat.
He led the searcher down a long corridor. Lights gleamed in the distance. As they approached, the man gasped in shock.
For there, on the wall, was an image of horror that surpassed the human mind's ability to conceive of it. A wooden cross, covered in blood and gore, bearing what resembled a man, but severely disfigured.
"Not You!" the searcher cried out, falling to his knees. Tears poured forth uncontrollably. "Not the King!"
A mighty hand rested gently on the searcher's shoulder. "Yes, that is I. I was lifted up high on that cross for all the world to see. I was killed so that all could one day dwell here with me."
The man looked up at the King with wonder and amazement, tears still streaming down his cheeks. "You were killed? But...You’re here...so how...?"
The King smiled at him with a twinkle in His eye. "That is why I am called King of Kings and Lord of Lords."
The man turned and bowed down at the King's feet, noticing the hole that pierced them. "Oh, King, I want to dwell here with You! This is what I have been longing for! What must I do?"
The King sighed and gently said, "There is nothing you can do."
The man, shocked, looked up at the King, desperation etched in his
features. "Oh, King, surely there must be something I can do!"
The King shook His head. "You must only believe in Me."
"Oh, I do believe!" the searcher proclaimed loudly. The voices in the
distant hall quieted at his shout. "How could I not believe? You, mighty King, who was born in a stable so that all men could come to see....who takes those who are of no notice and makes them to sit at His right hand...
"You, who take the smallest of gifts with the greatest of honor, and who clothe the suffering and ragged in finest apparel...and who gave of His life so that someone such as I could dwell with Him here...and then lives again," the man cried. "Oh, mighty King, how can I not believe?"
How indeed.......
As I said before, please email me before you use any part of this post...
Copyright by Deena Peterson, April, 2007
Thanks, and be blessed...
Posted by Deena Peterson at 6:16 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 14, 2007
His Grace IS Sufficient!
Yesterday was a difficult day. It was my first Mother's Day without my mom here with me. I had anticipated her birthday last month, and made it through the day just fine.
But Mother's Day came at me from out of nowhere.
I just wanted to pull the covers over my head and hide all day. But I couldn't do that to my own children, who wanted to celebrate the day with me.
So I readied myself for church, opened my gifts and cards, and off we went.
I was so afraid that no one would remember or understand why I was struggling. But so many did, and I received prayers and hugs from several women who are so precious to me.
We give out flowers at our church on Mother's Day...red for the living, white for those who've passed on. It was my first white flower Mother's Day...and it was hard. But then we gave testimonies about our mom's, and I was able to speak my heart.
A family from our church invited us to their home for lunch. I didn't want to go. But we did...
I'm so glad we did. I didn't have to hide. I didn't have to put on my mask, which was a VERY good thing, since the tears would have dissolved the glue holding it in place:-). I was able to relax and laugh and enjoy the day with friends and family and before I knew what had happened...
I was celebrating that Mom was eternally with Jesus and I never have to worry about her anymore. I know she's happy and whole, and I know she will be there to greet me when it's finally my turn.
And I know she will always be a huge part of my life, no matter where she's living today.
Hoping you all had a blessed Mother's Day...and thank you to all who prayed for me and the ones who sent e-cards...how sweet are you!!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 8:13 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Question of the Week, May 12-18, 2007
If your Flesh Woman were starring in a major motion picture, would it be a romance, an action thriller, a horror flick, or a comedy? Explain your answer.
You post your responses, and I'll post mine either tomorrow or on Monday. I'm too tired to think today.
Posted by Deena Peterson at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 11, 2007
Another Sister In Need of Prayer...
Kelli needs our prayers. She has posted her most recent update regarding a possible kidney transplant. Click on the picture above to read about her journey thus far. Keep her in your prayers, and leave her a word of encouragement.
Are you an organ donor? Think about it, please.
Posted by Deena Peterson at 1:07 PM 1 comments
I Wasn't Gonna...
I wasn't gonna blog here today.
I was gonna have a little pity party over what happened last night.
But something happened to change my plans.
God happened.
Because you all heard my cry and stood in the gap for me...today, my tail isn't knotted (if you don't get that...read my previous post!), my heart is light, and while I miss my mom, I'm rejoicing that she's safe in heaven with my Lord, and it'll just be a moment before I'm with her and Him for all eternity.
A dear, sweet soul sister sent me this today in my email. I needed reminding. Maybe you do to. Watch it, for me...and thank you all from the depths of my heart for your prayers. You will never know what comfort it brought me to be able to share so openly and to know you'd pray. I just knew it. And that rocks!
Be blessed today, because God isn't JUST in His heaven...so all IS right with my world...and yours too if you know Him...
Posted by Deena Peterson at 9:34 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Bloggy Friends, I Need You!
I just had a conversation with my oldest daughter that has left me feeling wrung out, stepped on, condemned, and heart-broken.
Talking with her leaves me feeling so tangled, and it can take days to unknot my tail, so to speak.
But right now, I'm missing my mom deeply, and hurting so badly over the choices my baby girl is making...watching her spit in God's face and be so flip about the Word, which I hold so very, very dear.
Would you all please pray for me? I didn't know how hard Mother's Day would be for me, and I didn't know how hard her decision was going to hit me.
I just don't know what to do, how to feel, or how to react. I love her with all my heart, but I love Jesus so much more...and I'm being torn in two...and it hurts.
And Momma's not here to pray and to console...and to shore me up...and I need her so very, very much right now.
Please, pray for me.
Posted by Deena Peterson at 5:51 PM 10 comments
Tempest in a Coffee Cup??
Go here...then tell me what you think...
I'll weigh in with my thoughts on Monday...
Posted by Deena Peterson at 2:24 PM 2 comments
Hebrews 10:25
Last night at Bible study, we discussed sin and the nature of sin. I wanted so much to ask this question...but my chicken-heart won out. So I'll pose it to you...
Do you find it harder these days to not sin?
Maybe that sounds strange to you, but it struck me last night that as time winds down to the end, satan keeps turning up the heat. People are angrier, violence is everywhere, and greed tops many lists of "Goals for 2007".
It just seems that everywhere I turn, I find myself getting frustrated, angry, saddened, and jaded...very, very jaded. Distractions abound, and the church is busy--busier than ever, but seems to be lacking in effectiveness.
Temptations are available now in the privacy of your own home like never before. Oprah just did a story on "Grey's Anatomy" hot stars, and the clip she showed at 4 in the afternoon floored me...and she bragged how wonderful it was that we could get so much closer to nudity on television...and how steamy it was.
And I was just waiting for the news to start...who knew what I'd see in the last 10 minutes of her show...
So, I was just wondering...do you find it harder not to sin...not to fall into the trap of excess anger...taking matters into your own hands...seeing things you don't want to see or know you shouldn't see...striving for things rather than people...rather than God??
Do you find yourself so distracted that you blink and it's Sunday again, and you don't remember cracking the cover of your Bible or your study book...and you wonder what you actually accomplished for God in the past 24/7 period of your life?
Or is it just me?
I get the meaning of Hebrews 10:25 more now than ever: Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
I need you. I need your comments to hold me accountable and to keep me focused and encouraged. I need my church family, to teach and instruct me and to love me in spite of myself, but to love me too much to leave me in my current condition.
Another question: Are you praying for your church leadership? For your pastor and his family? For your church body, one by one, and as a whole?
As a pastor's wife...I need you to do this for me. I need to do this for you. I need to know others are lifting my husband to God's throne on a regular basis. Maybe it's just my imagination...but we seem to end up in the fire more times than not...and it gets hot in here...
So, meditate on Hebrews 10:25 today. Pray for your pastor and your church leadership and their families today. Take your church directory and pray for each family one by one.
And hang on to one another with one hand, Jesus with the other...and we'll make it through to the end.
Be blessed, and know how much I love you!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 9:34 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
It Only Takes A Spark...
Received this in my email from an author buddy, Jennifer Rothschild, and it was too good to keep to myself. Click the link at the end of the story to visit Jennifer's website...
I have started a few fires in my culinary career. The worst was in an old oven in our home in Oklahoma. The oven didn't match our kitchen and I really didn't like it at all. But, it worked just fine.
That meant, of course, that the ever frugal Phil would not even consider replacing it. He wasn't concerned that it didn't match. He was most concerned that it was free.
I, on the other hand, like things to match, even if I can't see them!
All that confession has absolutely nothing to do with what happened, quite innocently, to that ugly oven.
One night I used pot holders to place a dish in the preheated oven. I carefully positioned the pan on the middle rack and closed the door. I set the pot holder on the counter and went to another room. After a few minutes, I smelled something.
I assumed some of the casserole had bubbled over and was now searing itself on the bottom of the oven. Wrong. I opened the oven door to inspect and flames leaped out at me. This was no sauce drip, this was an inferno. What had I done?
If you are an observant reader, you noted that I laid "the pot holder" rather than "the potholders" on the counter. Yes, I was cooking the other potholder.
Home alone, I grabbed a bowl of water, and threw it into the oven. Almost immediately, I realized I should have turned the oven off first! I had doused the flames, but now there was an ominous electrical crackling, and a strange new smell.
"Oh no!" I gasped, "My oven is electric and I just poured a gallon of water on those live wires."
I thought I remembered hearing somewhere that flour put out electrical fires. So I pulled out a five pound bag and sent it in to smother the inferno.
What was the result? Let's just say, we ordered pizza for dinner. Then we spent the evening cleaning the dough like substance from every inch of my kitchen and went shopping for a new matching stove the next day!
Fires demand a response, don't they? But not just any response will do. They need a wise response so they will be contained and extinguished. The wrong response to a fire just makes things worse.
We have little sparks in our hearts that require the right response also. Even though Jesus places peace in our hearts, smoldering embers of anger can still remain.
My Pastor, Dr. John Marshall says that we all have the sparks of war with in us. We're much like my oven. We have potential, with the right conditions, to explode or extinguish.
The apostle James expresses the same sentiment, saying, "What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you?"
We all have the potential to ignite the smoldering embers within us and create a bigger fire. Anger doesn't occur outside our hearts. We don't have to invite those little sparks in because their there already.
So, will those sparks ever go away?
I'm not sure they ever completely do. But, even so, peace can prevail by inviting the water of Gods Word to flood our hearts. the best way to control the fire within is through the calming, containing truth of God's word.
So, my friend, take your temperature! If its a little too "hot,"then let the refreshing water of Gods Word and His Spirit bring you peace today.
A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, But the slow to anger calms a dispute. Pr 15:18
Blessings and Joy,
Jennifer Rothschild
Author of Lessons I Learned in the Dark (and Light), and Founder of WomensMinistry.NET
Posted by Deena Peterson at 10:54 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
You wanna read something that totally ROCKS???
Click the picture...and prepare to be amazed...
God is so good!
God is so good!
God is so good...
He's so good to US!!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Who's YOUR Boss??
Remember when we were kids, and our brother or sister tried to tell us what to do? They were older, and left in charge, or just assumed the duty of being in charge...and we wanted to do something, right or wrong...and they said no.
Or we didn't want to do our homework, or our chores...and they told us to do it.
What was the universal cry, shouted by younger siblings everywhere?
"You're not the boss of me!"
Too many Christians have this attitude with Jesus. Oh, we want Him to keep us out of hell, and we want Him to bless us with good things.
But let Him tell us no...let Him tell us how to live our lives...and we stomp our feet and cry out, "You're not the boss of me!"
When we do that, we're putting someone else in charge of our lives. Someone who knows far less, is able to do very little, and who can get us INTO jams, but not out of them.
Um...for myself...that would be ME.
I've decided that I don't want to be the boss of me anymore. God's ways are not my ways, and they are higher and better than any way I could ever dream of to go. He has a plan for my life, and He has promised me that it is not to harm me or to leave me hanging (my paraphrase!).
So, when myself tries to tell me what to do, and when Jesus cuts in and puts His thoughts into the mix...I plan on telling me "Hey, you're not the boss of me! JESUS IS, so back off, bugaloo! I'm following HIM!"
But pray for me...myself is kinda stubborn:-)
Be blessed!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 7:36 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 07, 2007
Sunday, May 06, 2007
More Than Enough...
Received this in an email and I thought I'd share...with my added thoughts at the end...
Recently I overheard a mother and daughter in their last moments together at the airport. They had announced the departure.
Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the mother said, "I love you and I wish you enough".
The daughter replied, "Mom, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Mom".
They kissed and the daughter left. The mother walked over to the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see she wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on her privacy but she welcomed me in by asking, "Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?".
Yes, I have," I replied. "Forgive me for asking,
but why is this a forever good-bye?".
"I am old and she lives so far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is - the next trip back will be for my funeral," she said.
"When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, 'I wish you enough'. May I ask what that means?".
She began to smile. "That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone". She paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail and she smiled even more. "When we said , 'I wish you enough', we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them". Then turning toward me, she shared the following as if she were reciting it from memory.
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.
I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.
She then began to cry and walked away.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them but then an entire life to forget them.
I loved this...but, as usual...I'm changing it just a tad...
I wish you all MORE than enough...I wish you Jesus!!
Be blessed!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 8:21 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Continuing In Prayer For Heather...
Father, thank You for the good reports we are getting! Thank You for Heather's mobility, and for keeping the pain far from her. Thank You that she is able to be up and around. Thank You that Mark is able to stay with her, at her REQUEST!!
Father, we ask that You restore her speech. We ask that You blow away any clouds of doubt or depression from her mind. We ask that those surrounding her be able to read her so that her lack of speech doesn't frustrate her. We ask that this lack of speech be temporary.
Father, thank You again that she is able to think and to understand what others communicate to her. We thank You for the good outcome so far. We trust You with our Heather, and we trust that You know what is best. We ask for what we want, and we believe You for what is best.
In Jesus' name, amen.
For updates, click here...
Edited to add: Wanna be blessed? Wanna have your socks blessed off? Go check Heather's latest update...FROM HERSELF!!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 7:42 AM 1 comments
Don't Make Me...
I just watched a very interesting broadcast on Life Today. James Robison took a chance and booked an atheist who sold his soul on Ebay, and the man who purchased him (he insists he only RENTED him!). James took a lot of heat from that decision, and I must admit, at first I was a bit fried over it.
But I watched both shows. I have a lot of respect for James and Betty Robison, and I knew there would be truth to be gleaned if they had the guests on the show. Plus, they host Wednesdays With Beth...so they MUST be solid believers!
I was right. I did learn something. It was something I already knew, but needed to rise to the surface. The one truth I took away from the show is this:
Don't make me your project; make me your friend.
As Christians, we do this to non-believers and believers alike. We take discipleship and evangelism so seriously that we go out "looking for people to work on", or to "try our program out on." I don't think we do it intentionally, but we do it.
I know we do. I cannot begin to count how many times I ended up on a fellow believer's project list. I had some character flaw in me that God told them needed fixin' and that they were the brother or sister in Christ He sent to do it.
Can I just say that not only offended me, but it wounded me, and it damaged my identity in Christ a little--no, a lotta bit?!?
I don't mind criticism, if it comes in love and it comes from someone who takes the time to know me. You don't have to understand everything about me, but at least respect me enough to know I'm a human being and not a notch on your Bible.
How much more offended do non-believers feel when they sense they are a guinea pig for Jesus??
When I read Scripture, I see my Savior, over and over again, being relational...striking up honest and sincere conversations with the most unlikely of people...the Roman centurion, the woman at the well, Nicodemus, Zaccheus, the woman with a bleeding disorder.
Not all of these relationships ended up at Starbucks...some were momentary, some were ongoing. But the point is they were REAL, out of a REAL heart to seek those searching, needing healing, seeking answers. He didn't see the condition, He saw he person suffering from the condition.
The best doctors I've ever had were doctors who saw me, then gave me a diagnosis. We call Jesus our Great Physician...and that's why. He sees His people, His creation, and what sin has warped inside of them...and He wants to set them free.
How can we do any less?
I won't know exactly how I feel about this atheist and his buyer...I mean, friend...but I'll be letting you know on my book blog...yes, they both wrote books...and I'm skeptical.
Yet, I'm also intrigued. And I've learned a little something.
So, if I've ever made you feel like a project, please forgive me. And if you're thinking of taking me on as your project...go build a volcano instead!! But if you want to be my friend...Hi, my name is Deena, and I love Jesus with a passion unlike any other...
Be blessed, and be someone's friend...you just might lead them to Christ...at least you won't push them away...
Posted by Deena Peterson at 12:36 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 04, 2007
A Father's Surprise...
My husband did something unusual last night...
He took our 13 year old son to the midnight premier of Spiderman III.
Why did he do this? For many reasons...
First, he knew our son was a super-hero nut...the boy loves comics and superheroes. And he has talked Spiderman non stop since the trailers for the movie came out.
He also knew that our son was patiently going to wait until we had time to take him to see the movie. Which would be about two weeks. Which is an eternity to a 13 year old boy. But he didn't complain.
And he wanted to surprise him. Our son didn't know what was going to happen until it did. Dave woke him up around 11:15 and just told him to get dressed, it was time for some "dad and son time".
What was the result? Two VERY sleepy guys this morning, along with a "You're the best dad EVER!" from our son. And a very satisfied look on my husband's face this morning. And a lot of phone calls to other 13 year old boys from our son, sharing what his dad did for him.
So, let me ask you this...
What has God done for you that was customed designed to make you smile all over, surprised you and delighted you at the same time, and you couldn't wait to tell all of your friends...and made you say, "You're so great, God, to me! Thank You, thank You, thank You!"
Father, do something like this for each one who reads this blog today. Let them be totally aware of how special and unique this blessing is, and let them share it with everyone they see today. And include me in that as well, if You don't mind, Father...
You'll be blessed today...so be watchin' for it!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 10:36 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Still praying...
I just checked for updates, as I'm sure many of you have done today. Praise God the surgery is done, and from the reported update, all went well. Heather is moving arms and legs...waiting still on speech and memory.
Father, oh we thank You and praise You for what You have done and for what You are doing, and for what You are going to do. I know beyond any doubt that the outcome of this battle was decided at Calvary, and that You hold Heather's days in Your mighty hands.
Lord, we ask for all abilities to remain untouched by this invading tumor. We ask that Heather remain as delightful and capable and verbal as she has always been. But we trust You, in faith, to do what is best for Heather and for her family. Give us eyes to see it, hearts to understand it, and minds to know it when it comes.
I praise You, not because of the favorable report we've received, but simply because You are God, and You are good to Your children! You love and adore this woman I've only known for a short time...You fashioned her in a manner that pleases You, and You take great delight in Heather...in all of Your children.
What joy it brings You to bless Your kids here on earth! I pray for blessings both expected, hoped for, and totally unplanned to continue to rain down on Heather, her husband, her children, and her parents. Let them be blessed with so much that it spills over onto the doctors, the nurses, the staff, and all who know and love Heather and her family.
Let Mayo Clinic know that the presence of God was there today because a mighty child of the King was in their midst, and she did her Abba proud! In Jesus' name I pray, amen....
Still holding you to His throne, Heather....
Posted by Deena Peterson at 8:15 PM 0 comments
The Highest Compliment...
My hubby just called me and paid me the highest compliment a woman can receive...and after I begged, pleaded and whined...he said I could post it:-)
He said, "If I ever wanted to be a woman, I'd want to be you, because you're so cool...and so are your blogs."
Ain't that so sweet??
(Guys, no teasing him...and yes, you KNOW who I'm talkin' to!!)
Be blessed...'cause I sure am!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 2:38 PM 3 comments
Praying for Heather...
This is what I will be doing all day long...join me?
Father, I know life is in Your mighty hands, and I willingly place Heather's there. I know that You have already gone ahead of her and have made a way for her. I ask that You prepare her to walk in that way. Lord, we ask for healing, total and complete, but we rely on Your wisdom and Your understanding. Continue to be with Heather and her family this day and each day as it comes. Bless them with blessings over abundant, custom made for each member of that family. Comfort her children, especially Easton at this time.
Be with Heather's mom and dad. Watching your child suffer is so hard, God, but You know all about that. Comfort them and flood their minds with memories of good times.
Steady the hands of the surgeons, Lord, and give them all extra measures of skill and endurance. Prepare the hearts of the nursing staff so that they will minister to Heather in a special way. Give them hearts for Heather and an extra measure of grace.
Father, even as Heather is going through this surgery, speak words to her that will speed her healing and comfort her soul. You are her Father, and You adore her. As much as we all love and care for her, how much more infinite Your love is! You are awesome, Lord, and we are in amazement that You even think about us, much less care so deeply for us!
Nothing that has touched this precious family has escaped Your notice, and that brings us great comfort. It also leaves us with questions, but we rest in You. Be with them, and in any way they have a need, meet it, Lord. Pour out the abundance of Heaven on them so that they are all drenched in Your love, Your power, and Your spirit.
Fill their lips with praise for You, and hold them close. Love on them real good, God.
In Jesus' name, amen.
Posted by Deena Peterson at 9:01 AM 1 comments
Thankful Thursday---Reflections...
Today, I'm simply thankful for the following:
1) I'm thankful that today is Heather's surgery day. No more waiting, no more wondering...
2) I'm thankful for blogging buddies who helped raise funds so that her husband, Emma Grace and Heather's parents can stay with her at the Mayo Clinic with no worries about finance.
3) I'm thankful for the prayer blanket covering Heather and her family even as I type this email.
4) I'm thankful for a sister in Christ such as Heather, whose powerful testimony of faith and trust in a loving God goes out over this internet, blessing and encouraging and conviction all who read it.
5) I'm thankful for Heather's marriage, which has withstood some monstrous trials even before this, and they are still standing strong, together.
6) I'm thankful for Heather's mom, and my heart is with her this morning.
7) I'm thankful for Boomama, Kelli, and all the other women who put together all of the fundraisers and loops to keep us in touch and connected.
8) I'm thankful for the ones who post updates on Heather as we all wait for news.
9) I'm thankful that I serve a God of miracles who does as He wishes, and not as we wish.
10) I'm thankful to be a part of such a wide and wonderful blogging community, and feel so very blessed to call many, if not most of you, my sisters in Christ.
11) I'm thankful for MY family, and knowing that should something similar fall on me, they would stand with me and care for me.
12) I'm thankful for my husband and for the storms our marriage has weathered, and how they've all made us closer and stronger.
13) I'm thankful that all of my kids are healthy, and asking you to pray for our oldest daughter that she would return to her relationship with Jesus and begin to take God seriously again.
14) I'm thankful that I can pray to God and know He hears me and rest in the assurance He knows best and can do all things.
15) I'm thankful that, no matter the outcome of today or what tomorrow holds, I'll see everyone who believes in Jesus as Savior in Heaven for all eternity.
If you don't understand why I talk about Jesus and God so much...maybe you've never heard the truth about Him. Maybe you don't know why we are so desperately in need of a Savior even today in our modern society. If you're the least bit curious about this Jesus I love, adore, and speak of.....click here. Feel free to email me with any questions you may have.
Please continue to pray for Heather and her family. This is just the first step down a long and winding road.
Also, please pray for Henry Herr and his wife Karen...he had brain surgery to remove a tumor, and is undergoing radiation right now, with chemotherapy on the horizon. His parents are members of the church my husband pastors.
Be blessed, and hug your loved ones today. Don't waste another second of the time God has given us here...
Posted by Deena Peterson at 7:18 AM 13 comments
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Can Anybody Hear Me?
Just wondering where everybody went...since I got back from our trip...it's been mighty quiet out there...
Anybody there????
Posted by Deena Peterson at 4:53 PM 3 comments
Praying for Heather...
The internet is a marvelous thing. It connects people who wouldn't meet this side of eternity.
The blogosphere is also a marvelous thing. I have met some wonderful women through blogging. Heather is remarkable.
Heather also has a brain tumor.
I'm dedicating myself to pray for Heather for the next week. Her surgery is on May 3rd (Thursday). We're beginning our prayer blanket today. I'm covering 3-4 PM PST.
You don't have to be a blogger. You don't have to know Heather.
You just need to pray. Pray for Heather, the doctors, the nurses, her husband, her children, her parents, and her extended family, both physical and blogging.
As I said, the blogosphere is amazing. This community raised over $18,000.00 to help Heather...money is great. But prayer is where the power truly is.
Won't you join us?
To learn more about Heather, click here. To join in our prayer blanket, click here
Be blessed, and pray for blessings for Heather and her family.
Posted by Deena Peterson at 10:02 AM 1 comments
Mother's Day Giveaways!!
Hey, click here to learn about the 5 Minutes For Mom Mother's Day Giveaway Contests! Psssst...I heard the first one is an iPod Nano...but you didn't hear it from me...
And check the web blog often...I hear there's going to be a LOT of contests!!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Pressure, Friction and Heat...Oh, My!!
Do you know how a lump of black, icky coal becomes a diamond?
Pressure and time.
How about a grain of sand becoming a pearl?
Friction and time.
One more...how gold is purified?
Heat and time.
So, if you're straining under the pressures of life, and people are just rubbing you the wrong way, and the heat of your trials seems to be consuming you, and it feels like it's going on forever...look at it a different way---
What is God creating in you? What eternal treasure does He seek from your life?
Kind of changes things, doesn't it?
I know it does for me.
Food for thought today...be blessed!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Off The Richter Scale!
I hang out a lot of places, both online and in every day life. I talk with a lot of Christian women, and I consider many of them my spiritual big sisters.
I've noticed one common thread in nearly every conversation or blog post. We're all experiencing major upheaval in our lives.
Either with health, finance, children/family, or employment--the earth is shaking, and we find ourselves quaking...and wondering why? Why, God, why?
As I said, these are mighty women of God. One has been battling illness since January 1; a variety of mysterious ailments has plagued my dear sweet sister. Another has battled on behalf of her children in ways my mind cannot begin to comprehend.
On this blogosphere, I've met a dear, passionate sister who is fighting off depression. Another undergoes surgery on Thursday for a brain tumor. Still another awaits a kidney transplant to save her life.
When I listen to these women talk, their words are coated with grace, anointed with His wisdom, and their lives match their talk. But I've never seen such trials hit with such speed and fury.
In my Bible study, God revealed something to me. I thought I'd let you try this on for size.
Earthquakes are pretty common here in California. We've learned to expect them. In recent years, these tremblers have revealed some new fault lines that we need to watch out for. And that's been a good thing: it keeps people from building homes on them, establishing businesses over them, and gives us an idea where the earth is weakest and most likely to shake.
What if God is allowing all of these trials and tribulations into our lives in order to reveal where we are weakest, where the ground we are standing seems solid but is actually shifting sand? What if God is preparing us for a quake to end all quakes, and He knows we need to know ourselves like we've never been known?
I feel a move of God coming. I feel it in my family, in my church and in my community. I talk to a lot of people, from all walks of life. They have shared with me that they feel it too.
So, is your life off the richter scale lately? Praise God for that. He's revealing your true character so that you can both take heart and change position. He's opening our spiritual eyes so that we can see His mighty hand and know Who our Redeemer truly is.
As Americans we can easily fool ourselves into thinking we are relying on God when we are actually leaning on our own understanding. We can rest on the shoulders of loved ones instead of resting in His mighty arms of grace. We can be so consumed by what our brothers and sisters in Christ think and want and forget to listen to His still, small whisper of approval and will.
So, can we say, "Let the quakes come, Lord, if they will make me more like You"? That's my prayer. What's yours?
Be blessed, and let the Father make you quake-safe!
Posted by Deena Peterson at 7:21 AM 0 comments