I suffer from a syndrome for which I haven't yet found a cure.
Ok, that's a lie...the cure is the Holy Spirit taking control, but you know how hard that is, right??
What's my syndrome?
Maybe you have it too.
Foot-in-mouth disease.
Painful thing, it is!
Just last night, I did it again. My daughter interrupted a heated discussion between my husband and myself (no, we were not fighting, but yes, I was upset about something, and no, he didn't do it!), with a rather silly question from one of her friends.
Now, this friend does have a tendency to feed my daughter some outrageous things at times, and I had just about had it. I popped off, but what I didn't know was...**gulp**
Said friend was On. The. Phone. With. My. Daughter.
I heard, **shriek** "I heard that!", and my daughter scurried away.
Needless to say, I, the adult, the wise parent, created a mess for my daughter. And she has had issues with this friend and her family before. But none created by dear old mom herself.
I wrestled with my conscience for a bit, feeling quite justified in what I said but lousy about how it happened. Finally, I persuaded my daughter to get her friend back on the phone, and I swallowed my pride and apologized to the girl, admitting it was an ugly thing to do, and that adults aren't always shining examples of good behavior, and I was upset about something else, but I shouldn't have reacted as I did...and I humbly asked her to forgive me.
Which she said she did, but later conversation proved otherwise (between her and my daughter).
So, I went to bed feeling pretty low, and woke up with a cloud of regret hanging over my head. When will I learn to let God have my tongue?? When will I learn not to get so involved in matters that don't concern me, and to keep to myself??
The answer to that is...I have no idea.
But I'm working on it. Because I never want to feel what I felt last night. Fortunately, I have a very understanding daughter.
Who still thinks I'm cool, in spite of myself:-)
Be blessed and be a blessing!