I've been visiting with a LOT of brothers and sisters in Christ lately. God keeps bringing them across my path...either via email, at the store, at work, at church...and I've noticed something.
Many of God's faithful are under HEAVY attack. And it breaks my heart.
Now, I say they are God's faithful, but only God really, truly knows the heart. However, I see the fruit in their lives, and these are some of the most fruitful and genuine believers I know. I've heard their words and seen their actions, and they not only match up, but they point the way to Christ.
Honestly, it makes me FURIOUS with the enemy. How DARE he attack my family, God's anointed, God's children? Then again, how can He not? Aren't we a huge threat to him when we are obedient and faithful?

It makes me wonder...what does he know that we don't know? Does he know his time is rapidly drawing to a close? Is he pitching an unholy fit against God's people because he knows we're almost home? Is he trying so hard to take out so many of God's voluntary army because he knows we're almost ready for final battle?
I don't know, but I suspect. So, let me leave you with this encouragement from the Father (if it isn't good, blame me....faulty messenger, don't you know?)
1. Crawl up in Abba's lap and sit for a good long while. Let Him whisper to you words of love and peace and comfort and strength. So many of us feel we MUST go on, even when we're broken and bleeding and aching all over. Don't do that...rest in His arms.
2. Don't drop your sword. Keep in God's Word. Even if you feel it is futile, it's like taking spiritual vitamins...you can't feel it working all the time, but it is. And when the time comes for you to be strong again, you will be stronger and spiritually healthier than ever.
3. Seek wise counsel. Sometimes, all we need is Jesus with skin on to hear us. I know when I'm hurting the most, a kind and compassionate ear is all I need. And if you are in a strong spot in your walk, be that listening ear for a brother or sister to pour out their wounded heart to you.
4. Seek wise medical advice. Spiritual warfare takes it's toll on us in more than just our spirit...remember, we are mind, body and soul. What affects us spiritually can hit us hard physically. Allow your doctor to run tests, and if you need medication, do NOT let the enemy use that knowledge on you. God gave us medical professionals for a reason:-).
5. Remember your shield. It will guard your tender and vulnerable heart from the enemy's firey darts. Plus, if you hold yours, and I hold mine, we can help shield each other, and so on and so on and so on. Doesn't that sound GREAT??
6. Pray. Pray for yourself, for others, and for the lost. Don't let the enemy narrow your focus only to you. He will do that, isolating you from other believers and making you feel all alone. Don't let him do that. He wins when he isolates us...I know. I tend to be a turtle, withdrawing into my protective shell and that just makes the pain and hurt worse.

7. One more thing. Know you are loved. You are loved greatly by God, and by me as well. Brothers and sisters in Christ are the most precious on this earth, and I treasure you, each and every one of you.
If you need someone, I'm only an email away. And, God is only a knee-mail away!
Be blessed, and be a blessing just by being you.