
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Who's Hands??


Lately, I've found myself in the midst of one health issue after another. I'm baffled, befuddled, mystified...and wearied of it all.

With this most recent one, I called my sister and told her I had an unusual prayer request.

"Please pray that the doctor will put me in the hospital," I cried. Then I proceeded to explain to her why that would be the wisest thing he could do. Made perfect, logical sense...and actually gave me a kind of peace.

Then she blew me out of my tranquil waters: "No, instead, I'm going to pray that God will show the doctor what he should be doing. We don't know if the hospital is the best thing or not."

Well, that sure rocked my boat! Didn't she hear me? Didn't she UNDERSTAND????

Yes, she did...better than I did. And I'm SO glad I called her with my hair-brained request.

I'm reading a book right now about a person who, out of fear, raced ahead of God and made a life-altering decision that had ripple effects in the lives of so many people. And no, it's not from the Bible...

But it could be. Remember Abraham? His race to prove God right gave us the turmoil in the Middle East. And remember Rebekah? Second worst case of sibling rivalry ever recorded (first was Cain and Abel), wasn't it?

And Peter...poor Peter. He always gets the bad rap...especially when he jumped the gun and cut off the guard's ear. Had he only waited a few more days, he would have seen Jesus rise and everything would have been okay.

Made me think of myself. Who's hands am I trusting in? Who's hands are my troubles in? Am I rushing out ahead of God, trying to make a way for Him? How ridiculous can that be?

But don't we tend to do that? Especially when we're in a situation that is just too big, too burdensome, too huge...too preposterous. That's when we tend to get out ahead of God and take matters into our own hands.

And that NEVER turns out well...ever.

I'm trying so very hard to lean on God and His wisdom through all of this. I'm trying to be patient, optimistic, and hopeful. But it is so hard. So very hard. And just when I think I have it figured out and solved...

He loves me enough to send me someone, like my sister, to gently say "Deena, put it back in My hands. Let Me hold it for you...it will crush you, sweetie. But My hands are strong enough, and I can see out far enough to know what is best for you."

It may not always feel like it...but I can't live on feelings. I have to live on faith.

I'm just sayin'...



Denise said...

Amen, I totally understand sweetie.

Nise' said...

I hear you and understand! For me the rushing out ahead of God, was my own fears of "what is wrong with me", I figured if I could diagnosis myself it wouldn't be as scary as waiting on Him. I still have to slow down and not run ahead of God. Praying for you my friend.