
Monday, August 06, 2007

I'm So Easily Distrac---Hey, What's That Over There??


We talked a lot about them this weekend. The topic came up at Bible study on Saturday, again in Sunday school yesterday, and again in Pastor Dave's message.

I think God may be telling me something, don't you??

I may have mentioned it before in a previous post, but I'm very easily distracted.

For instance, cleaning my house:

I'll start in the living room, gathering up any stray laundry to take out to the laundry room. Once out there, I see that the towels have piled up once again, so I'll toss a load into the washer, only to discover that the jeans I last washed never made their way into the dryer.

So, I pour detergent and fabric softener into the washer and start it. Forgetting about the towels, I now re-enter the kitchen and notice all the sticky spots on the floor. Fortunately, the mop is where it belongs--because I haven't used it since I bought it.

Going out to get the mop, I notice the recycling cans are full, so I go back inside to grab a garbage bag to fill. As I open the drawer to get the bag, I notice how disorganized it is, and pause to straighten the drawer. As I throw away some empty boxes of baggies, I notice that the counter in my kitchen has grown rather cluttered.

And so on and so on...until not much gets done, but I've done a lot of walking!!

I'm that way with just about anything. Watching the news, waiting for the weather report and something catches my eye and suddenly they're talking sports and I don't know if tomorrow will be hot or cloudy.

Reading a book, finding a magazine I've been wanting to read, forgetting what I've read in the book...losing the book and starting a new one, only to find the one I was reading...

That might be amusing, but when it comes to my walk with God, distractions can be dangerous, even deadly. And it never fails...picking up my Bible to read always seems to reveal how messy my bedroom is! Funny how that happens...

Sometimes the distractions are just minor annoyances, like pesky flies. Don't do much harm but can drive you buggy. Other times, they are like hornets, leaving stinging reminders of how that person got under your skin, or what are you going to do about that bill, or could it be serious...like cancer??

My life is full of distractions these days, both large and small. God is moving, and the enemy is hopping mad. He's taking advantage of my ADD Christianity and he's had me running from one thing to the other, not really accomplishing anything.

But I've asked God to put Holy blinders on me, to keep my focus straight ahead. I figure since Jesus goes before me, that's a good place to keep my eyes, don't you?? And whether it's a minor annoyance or a thorn in my flesh, I'm tuning it out and tuning the Holy Spirit in.

It will be a struggle, but aren't the things that are worth having always a struggle??

Be blessed, and be a blessing!



Denise said...

You are very much in my thoughts and prayers, love you.

Anonymous said...

Nehemiah was single minded. He followed a formula that worked.


And he rebuilt those walls.

Let us both concentrate on rebuilding where we have been distracted, desperate, destructive and delirious! OH! Don't you just love those D's? A Saturday morning bible study taught me that! PRAISE THE LORD!