
Thursday, October 04, 2007

I Don't Know What They See....

But I'm thankful that they see it in me:-)

Sharon at Sit With Me Awhile awarded me this a few weeks ago:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And I humbly say "Thanks!"

To all who have ever commented, prayed for me, or read my stuff here at "Wholly Devoted" and received something from it (even a bad case of indigestion:-)...I pass this award on to you!

Then, just a few days ago, Laura at Laura Williams' Musings awarded me this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Again, a humble, "Thank you!"

To anyone who has ever gotten a smile from my words, a tear-filled one or a wide, face splitting grin (now, who in the wide, wide world would want one of THOSE??:-), I pass this on to you.

My ultimate prayer is not that I make you smile....althought that's great. Or that you think I'm fabulous, althought that's great too.

No, my ultimate prayer is that you see Jesus in me. Then I will have done a good thing indeed!

Be blessed, and be a blessing!



Nise' said...

You are fablous and you make me smile mostly because I see Jesus in you!

Heather {Desperately Seeking Sanity} said...

Hey! I gave you an award too! Come see me!