
Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Bit Off My Game...

I've been a little off my game lately.

Maybe it was going on vacation.

Maybe it is being in pain and so tired.

Maybe I'm just losing it.

Hoping to get back in rhythm soon...as High School Musical taught us all, "Gotta get my head in the game...gotta, gotta get my head in the game."

See you tomorrow...

Be blessed today, on this Lord's Day!



Nise' said...

I hope you are feeling better today! I can sympathize, empathize whateve ize with you about pain and tiredness! I have been dragging these last couple of weeks probably due to the major weather changes from one day to the next. The joys of Michigan weather. I was drained of blood this am to check and see where I am with my FM, CFIDS, EBV, and any other letters they want to add in. LOL. I told the lab tec to leave enough for me to get to the local bakery to refuel! LOL