
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Question of the Week, April 14-20, 2007

Looking back over your life, what sort of things have you looked to for a sense of identity and self-worth?

For me, it is how I think. I pride myself on my ability to reason, to think, and to create ideas. I love words and I love word play, and I enjoy coming up with word pictures to help someone understand a concept or idea.

As a child I was always creating fantasy worlds in my mind, and as I grew up I began to write them down. I've always enjoyed reading and then writing my own ideas and stories down on paper.

My thought process is unusual, yet I do have a way of sharing that makes things clear and understandable. My husband is always telling me he loves the way I think...I think he married me for my brain:-)

So any time I get forgetful or absentminded...any time I feel stupid or out of place...I tend to shrink back into myself. And I tend to shy away from crowds or big groups of people...social events give me hives.

Which is tragic, since I'm a pastor's wife...social events are kind of a way of life for us...

For example...our small church has a potluck lunch every 1st Sunday of the month. And even though I've known these people for almost 3 years now...and I've been through so much with them by my side...and I count them among my dearest friends and blessings...

It's guaranteed I'll have a knot in my stomach every single potluck, and have an upset tummy--no matter what I eat or how much...just from being so nervous! But if I can get a good conversation going and keep my end up...I count that as a success...

Now, it's YOUR turn!

Be blessed today!



Anonymous said...

Come check out my blog! There's something I think you will like!

Sharon Brumfield said...

I used to think my parents were my identity, then my good girl image, then being a spiritual leader, then being a good cook--now-- that His heart is becoming mine. My identity is in how I am loved by the God of this universe.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

wow, you seem so outgoing, and i think you are ... you seem to genuinely like people, so it's hard to reconcile the outgoing side vs. the knot in the tummy side. Humans are so complex. And I'm praying for your arthritis.