
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's Time to Lighten Up!!

We're back from our weekend away...lots of good times and good memories. But on this trip I had an issue to deal with.

My weight.

At the wedding, the black pants I wore were a tad bit too snug. When I went to visit my brother, my arms seemed a bit too flabby in my new short sleeved t-shirt. And as I went into the shower at the hotel...well, let's just say my self-confidence rolled away on my rolls........

But I've noticed something since I've been home.

I feel lighter.

Oh, I haven't lost any weight. Are you KIDDING??? With all of the dining out we've done????

But I feel lighter. Why is that?

We laughed. A lot.

We talked. A lot.

We shared memories. A lot.

And we relaxed. A lot.

Even me. Especially me.

And now...the worries I was weighed down by are not so heavy. Most of them are gone. The issues I was facing seem smaller. And the joy I feel is so buoyant...well, I just feel...lighter.

I realized that I needed to lighten up (and yes, I could still stand to lose a few pounds). My soul was tired and heavy to the point of extreme sadness and depression. But as the days of our trip away from home extended, I felt a remarkable change come over me. Over our entire family, really.

We are renewed, refreshed, and restored...and we all feel lighter--in spite of the fries and burgers we consumed while away:-)

My sister has taught me a saying since my mom went home to Jesus: Life is just too short. We need to enjoy it while we can. Jesus taught me that He came that I might have life and have it more abundantly, that my joy may be full. I've let satan rob me of that for too long.

Problems are still there. My life is still far too busy (we are booked doing something every day this week, and most evenings as well:-), and I still try to do too much all at once. I'm working on both of those.

But my heart feels light, and that makes all the difference in the world.

So, let me encourage you to lighten up today. You'll feel so much better if you do. Check out one of my favorite lighten up sites, and see if it doesn't help a bit. Visit a couple of my lighten up friends in the blogosphere, Boomama and DeeDee, and tell them Deena says "Hey!"...

Be blessed today, and don't just smile...laugh! They say laughter is aerobics for the soul...and I'm a believer now!



Nise' said...

Glad you are back and refreshed, rested and re-engergized!