
Thursday, April 12, 2007

What If He'd Said YES??!!

I was browsing through Thankful Thursday posts and read this on one blogger's post: "I'm thankful for unanswered prayer." Didn't Garth Brooks have a hit with that line??

Anyhoo, it got me to thinking about all of the "unanswered" prayers I've prayed...and how thankful I am that God said "Nope. Not gonna happen." (Because there really isn't any such thing as unanswered prayer...but I digress)

Like the year my father went home to Jesus and my mom remarried 5 months later. Had God said yes to my prayer to stop that marriage...mom would have most likely died of loneliness and not been as well taken care of.

Or the time I begged God to let me marry my then boyfriend...had God said yes to that prayer, I would have been forced to choose--God or my husband, because that boyfriend walked away from God and has not yet returned.

Or how about this one? "Please, God, don't let it turn blue!" I begged in the Costco bathroom...Had he answered that one, I wouldn't have the joy of my life---my 13 year old son, who makes me laugh and smile every single day (whether I want to or not:-)...

So, it is a loving Father who is able to tell a child that begs, pleads, and even whines to Him in prayer..."No. No matter how you plead...I know best. And the answer is no."

Have prayers that seem unanswered? They're not. Be thankful. He knows what is best. Trust Him. And say, "Thank You."

Be blessed.



Heather {Desperately Seeking Sanity} said...

Oh how right you are Deena!!! In the midst of my pity party yesterday, I thought about all the things that I "prayed" for that went unanswered...

It's taking the time to stop and realize that he knows what's best for me, even if that does mean being a single mom... because I would rather be a single mom and happy than with someone and be emotionally abused and see my children witness that...

it's all in how you look at it and all of those unanswered prayers are blessings... big big blessings... sometimes it just takes us a while to see that!

Sharon Brumfield said...

I pray that the closer I get to Him the less nos I get-- because I am confident I am praying His will. We talked about that last night at church.

Nise' said...

Deena, I never thought about it that way! I had in mind more of an on going prayer that hasn't been answered yet, still in the wait mode.

I had that same prayer unanswered 37 years ago today, I prayed as a 9 year old that my mom would not marry that man. She did and he was the dad I never had, who has been in heaven these past 20 years!

And the one about please not turning blue! Our 15 year old gift is a joy!

Hedi said...

Thank you for this post, Deena!

Many blessings!

eph2810 said...

You are right, Deena. Sometimes we have to see His "No" as a blessing. Even though it might be hard to accept it, but He has our wellbeing in mind...we just don't see it sometimes.