
Saturday, June 09, 2007

Don't Wait Til You Burn Out!

Today, I was blessed with a new refridgerator. Our old one is keeping things cold out in the garage. It's working all right.

So, why a new one?

I could sense it was getting ready to burn out. I noticed drinks weren't very cold, but thought, "Oh, it's just the heat."

Then I got a drink out of someone else's fridge; it was ice cold.

So, we went shopping and picked out a brand new fridge. I figured, why wait until this one goes out? Let's be prepared, and have a little extra space for those bargains I get now and then...

God tapped me on the shoulder and said, "And how about you?" I tend to push myself until I'm so tired I can barely breathe, every muscle aches and I feel "icky". When if I just said no once or twice during the week, I would be able to stay rested, eat better, and not be dragging my hiney to do this or that.

We went and had blood drawn for a variety of tests. Some of my results are borderline. It's time to take action...so please, pray for me (some of the results are too far gone and can only be managed--if you wanna know more, email me).

The same goes for my spiritual well being. When I sense myself growing snappy, it's time to take spiritual inventory on my walk with God. Why wait til I totally blow my cool, and my witness, before I repent and change my ways??

So, don't wait til you burn out! Take action now, and have more to give and be able to do more longer for Jesus.

Be blessed...I'm off to play with my new ice maker:-)



Nise' said...

Yay on the new fridge! Glad you got bloodwork done! Its good to know what you have to work on to get the numbers in a better range! Some of it is really hard work, I know!

Denise said...

Woo Hoo, a new refrigerator!!