
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Long and Winding Road...

Sometimes this life just seems so long, you know??

Heaven is a far off, distant land. And the journey is one that takes forever. At least, that's how it's feeling today.

I'm like the child in the back seat, crying out to God in the front, "Are we THERE yet?"

Don't get me wrong. It isn't that I don't enjoy my life here. I've been blessed greatly, and I'm fully aware of all that God has given me.

It's just that...my mind is weird (just in case you haven't noticed yet!). When I enjoy the fragrance of a rainy day...or a good book...or my son's laugh...or my daughter's smile...

I think, "How much BETTER all of this will be in Heaven!"

I'm tired of wondering when Jesus will return. I'm tired of watching for wolves who want to devour my children. I'm tired of battling the sin that so easily pulls and weighs me down.

I'm tired of the distractions, the world's shiny things, that keep my attention from the things of God. And while I'm incredibly thankful for ALL God has done for me, given me, provided for me, and kept from me...

I just wanna be home. I wanna look Jesus full in the face and say "Thank You." And then fall at His feet...

I so love the woman in Scripture who got to anoint His feet with her tears. She just speaks my kinda language. Because I think that's the first thing I'm going to do...bawl at His feet, that He chose me...little old, weird and sinful me...to be His.

Yes, the road is long and winding...thank God it leads to Heaven's door for me...

What about you? Where will the road you're on take you?

Be blessed and be a blessing...and make sure you're on His road today....



Denise said...

Bless you my sweet friend.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

You know, there are believers who say we focus too much on the hereafter and not on the present. I think the opposite!