
Friday, January 12, 2007

Getting things moving again...

Ok, I know it takes time for us to get used to new things. So I thought I'd generate a little dialogue here. If you're having trouble posting, give me a call. If you don't have my number, then email me at thedeena63@hotmail.com , and I'll try to help.

Why did I pick this book? The reason is in the opening chapter: "I've always dreamed of being much more than I am. More organized, more disciplined, more loving...much more 'much more', if you know what I mean!"
And then she goes on to list some of her goals and self-improvements she desires, ending up with, "I really do want to be different. I want to be changed."

Don't we all feel that way at one point sometimes? Don't you want to be changed in some way? I know I do. I felt like she had read my journal!! (If you don't keep a journal, let me encourage you now to begin one...it's great therapy...and it's cheap!)

Joanne also says, "As the saying goes, 'There's a skinny woman inside me just struggling to get out...I can usually sedate her with four or five cupcakes!'"

My question is this: Who is inside you struggling to get out? And what usually sedates her?

For me, an organized and well-disciplined homemaker is inside, but I can usually sedate her with a good book and take-out...

What is it for you??

(Feel free to post any comments you have on the opening chapter as well--you don't have to just answer my questions)