
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Question 3, Week 3, January 21-28, 2007

How do you view God? As up in the sky with a holy fly swatter, waiting for you to make a mistake? As loving, but detached and distant from what is going on in your life? Or actively involved in your life, wanting to help you succeed?

For me, it's a little mixed up--oh, like THAT is surprising to anyone!! But depending on the day, or what event is going on in my life, I tend to bounce between loving but detached and actively involved. My head knows the last one is the truth, but sometimes my heart fools me into believing He loves me, but just doesn't have time for little old me and my feeble woes.
Now, there was a time in my life that I believed in the fly-swatter holding God. I was almost TRAINED to believe that by the church I grew up in. They never quite came out and said it, but they definitely implied it. And that will squish the joy out of anyone!
Thank God He set me free from that mindset. I think I bounce around because God being detached is just a step away from the fly-swatter...and the familiar just keeps calling out to me.

If you're new to this blog, let me assure you that God is ACTIVELY involved in your life, desperately LOVES you enough to die for you, and WANTS you to succeed, not for your glory, but for His glory. As Max Lucado once said, "If God had a fridge in Heaven, your picture would be on it!!"

Do me a favor...if you have no CLUE what I'm talking about, e-mail me at thedeena63@hotmail.com, and let me share the God of the Bible with you. Believe me, He's crazy about you!!

Be blessed, and be a blessing!