
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Stumbling Blocks, Be Gone!!

Today was a wonderful day. I spent it with my oldest sister. We shopped, we gabbed, we ate lunch, we gabbed, we laughed, we shared our hearts, and we split sweet rolls from Costco!
So, why am I sharing all of this?
Because I never really knew my sister until 5 months ago. Oh, I knew her name, where she lived, who she was married (or not) to, her kids, where she worked, where she went to church...all of the basic know about someone stuff when you're related.
But I never really "knew" her. And she never really knew me. We grew up separated by 16 years, a lot of family skeletons that were "not discussed", and a lot more baggage with a capital B.
What changed all of that?
Our mom died.
And now, we spend time together. Before, we spent time with Mom, and most of it was her and Mom and then me and Mom. Rarely was it the three of us. It would take too long to explain it all, and it really isn't important.
What is important is this: we have worked together as a team to remove all the stumbling blocks to our relationship as sisters and as sisters in Christ. We have covenanted together to spend a sister's day out once a month, just hanging out together. We have committed to call and check on one another, to be honest with one another, and that anything goes with questions, answers, and challenges, as long as all is done in love.
What makes me sad is it took losing our mom before we realized what we were allowing life to do to us. We never really walked in victory, apart or together. We never reached across the divide that was our family. And we even lived in the same town for most of our lives, yet never spent time together alone, as sisters.
So...who are you longing to get to know? What is in your way? What holds you back? What will have to happen before you step out in faith, trust God for the best and see what can happen?
Don't wait until someone dies before it happens. Don't wait for tragedy to strike. Don't let the forces of life's struggles force the issue. Don't wait.
Reach out. In love. In prayer. In humility. In faith.
You never know what you will find. You just might find your new best friend...
I know I did. I just wish Mom could have experienced it with us...but she knows:-)
Be blessed, and be a blessing...especially where it isn't expected!!
P.S. In case you were wondering...you can have more than one best friend in life...I know, I have several...it's in the handbook, trust me!!


Pastor Dave said...

You continue to amaze me! Thanks for letting me be your husband....and one of your friends.

Love ya.