
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bloggy Friends, I Need You!

I just had a conversation with my oldest daughter that has left me feeling wrung out, stepped on, condemned, and heart-broken.

Talking with her leaves me feeling so tangled, and it can take days to unknot my tail, so to speak.

But right now, I'm missing my mom deeply, and hurting so badly over the choices my baby girl is making...watching her spit in God's face and be so flip about the Word, which I hold so very, very dear.

Would you all please pray for me? I didn't know how hard Mother's Day would be for me, and I didn't know how hard her decision was going to hit me.

I just don't know what to do, how to feel, or how to react. I love her with all my heart, but I love Jesus so much more...and I'm being torn in two...and it hurts.

And Momma's not here to pray and to console...and to shore me up...and I need her so very, very much right now.

Please, pray for me.



Shane H. said...

First of all, thank you so much for the prayerful comment you let on my blog... www.shaneshares.blogspot.com . My back is feeling better. Yeeeeaaahhh! Secondly, I will keep you in my prayers this weekend. I hope you visit again soon.

Kelli said...

Absolutely Deena.

Heather {Desperately Seeking Sanity} said...

you're being prayed for here!

CindyMae said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a encouraging word for me. I am sorry to hear that your daughter is making the wrong choices right now. I will be praying for you as well as her.

By the grace of God ... said...

Praying the Lord will comfort and strengthen you and give you the words that our daughter needs to hear and that will touch her mind, soul and spirit!

veronica said...

Here I am, praying for you my sweet sister in the Lord.

Sharon Brumfield said...

You know I know what you are going through.
When the waves are tipping the boat--get out and walk across the water to Him.

Nise' said...

I will be praying for you my sister! I am so sorry that your heart is hurting, but so thankful that you know the mender of broken hearts!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Lord, You say that Your word does not return void and while Deena's daughter is making some poor choices, I pray that Your words would inundate her; that Your Holy Spirit would grab ahold of her; that she would come to realize her choices are not in her best interest; that she would KNOW Your tremendous love for her and be compelled to return to Your loving arms.

I pray for peace and comfort for Deena as she watches her daughter grow into her own woman. Allow Deena to trust You with her daughter completely. Be her loving refuge and shelter.

In Jesus' Name,

Fiddledeedee said...

Oh Deena, I'll keep you in my prayers, as well. I remember all too well how I butted heads with my mama, from the age of 12 on. And now I don't have her. I'm raising 2 girls, though young now, they'll be teenagers in a few years, and oh boy, will I be on my knees.

Stand firm my sister. Some day, hopefully sooner, than later, she'll come around. All you can do now is pray, and hang on!!!