
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Hebrews 10:25

Last night at Bible study, we discussed sin and the nature of sin. I wanted so much to ask this question...but my chicken-heart won out. So I'll pose it to you...

Do you find it harder these days to not sin?

Maybe that sounds strange to you, but it struck me last night that as time winds down to the end, satan keeps turning up the heat. People are angrier, violence is everywhere, and greed tops many lists of "Goals for 2007".

It just seems that everywhere I turn, I find myself getting frustrated, angry, saddened, and jaded...very, very jaded. Distractions abound, and the church is busy--busier than ever, but seems to be lacking in effectiveness.

Temptations are available now in the privacy of your own home like never before. Oprah just did a story on "Grey's Anatomy" hot stars, and the clip she showed at 4 in the afternoon floored me...and she bragged how wonderful it was that we could get so much closer to nudity on television...and how steamy it was.

And I was just waiting for the news to start...who knew what I'd see in the last 10 minutes of her show...

So, I was just wondering...do you find it harder not to sin...not to fall into the trap of excess anger...taking matters into your own hands...seeing things you don't want to see or know you shouldn't see...striving for things rather than people...rather than God??

Do you find yourself so distracted that you blink and it's Sunday again, and you don't remember cracking the cover of your Bible or your study book...and you wonder what you actually accomplished for God in the past 24/7 period of your life?

Or is it just me?

I get the meaning of Hebrews 10:25 more now than ever: Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

I need you. I need your comments to hold me accountable and to keep me focused and encouraged. I need my church family, to teach and instruct me and to love me in spite of myself, but to love me too much to leave me in my current condition.

Another question: Are you praying for your church leadership? For your pastor and his family? For your church body, one by one, and as a whole?

As a pastor's wife...I need you to do this for me. I need to do this for you. I need to know others are lifting my husband to God's throne on a regular basis. Maybe it's just my imagination...but we seem to end up in the fire more times than not...and it gets hot in here...

So, meditate on Hebrews 10:25 today. Pray for your pastor and your church leadership and their families today. Take your church directory and pray for each family one by one.

And hang on to one another with one hand, Jesus with the other...and we'll make it through to the end.

Be blessed, and know how much I love you!



Nise' said...

You ask the hard questions my friend! I may have to come back and answer again after thinking about this. I find myself not surprised by anything anymore and that saddens me. It saddens/angers me that my kids had to lose some of their childhood innocence way to early! It is definitely harder not to give in to the distractions (the ones that aren't even wrong), there are so many available. If I don't get my quiet time in first thing, then it's not going to happen, I know that for myself and MUST be diligent about taking that time FIRST thing. And today, it did not get done because of my unexpected trip to the hospital for further testing and that makes me mad! Mad that I was distraced by this unexpected event, mad that I didn't get up earlier so I could get the quiet time in as well as exercising. I choose exercising over time with God today. I sacrificed the best for only that which is good. I am so thankful that His faithfulness is not dependent upon mine!

YES! YES! Pray not only for your Pastor and his family, but your church leadership/staff (as a staff member, I need it)!

Christine said...

Wow, Deena. This is powerful stuff. You are so right to ask us to pray for our church leadership. I need to do this more especially being on staff myself! And temptation is around every corner, of course it gets harder. I just had to flip off Dr. Phil today because it struck me how family un-friendly he's become. Since I don't watch much TV anymore, maybe it's just me that didn't notice now that I'm home with a new baby. So much is acceptable now that was not before and it makes it that much more important to stay plugged in to the source!!