
Monday, May 14, 2007

His Grace IS Sufficient!

Yesterday was a difficult day. It was my first Mother's Day without my mom here with me. I had anticipated her birthday last month, and made it through the day just fine.

But Mother's Day came at me from out of nowhere.

I just wanted to pull the covers over my head and hide all day. But I couldn't do that to my own children, who wanted to celebrate the day with me.

So I readied myself for church, opened my gifts and cards, and off we went.

I was so afraid that no one would remember or understand why I was struggling. But so many did, and I received prayers and hugs from several women who are so precious to me.

We give out flowers at our church on Mother's Day...red for the living, white for those who've passed on. It was my first white flower Mother's Day...and it was hard. But then we gave testimonies about our mom's, and I was able to speak my heart.

A family from our church invited us to their home for lunch. I didn't want to go. But we did...

I'm so glad we did. I didn't have to hide. I didn't have to put on my mask, which was a VERY good thing, since the tears would have dissolved the glue holding it in place:-). I was able to relax and laugh and enjoy the day with friends and family and before I knew what had happened...

I was celebrating that Mom was eternally with Jesus and I never have to worry about her anymore. I know she's happy and whole, and I know she will be there to greet me when it's finally my turn.

And I know she will always be a huge part of my life, no matter where she's living today.

Hoping you all had a blessed Mother's Day...and thank you to all who prayed for me and the ones who sent e-cards...how sweet are you!!



Sharon Brumfield said...

Glad you had a great Mother's Day.