
Friday, May 25, 2007

When Was The Last Time...

A friend asked this question: If you could go back 20 years in time, what would you change?

My response: I would have worried less and enjoyed life with God more.

Then last night our oldest daughter stopped by and was rattling off some random Hollywood gossip, to which her dad responded, "But I don't care!"

On the TV, news of the war breaking out in Lebanon was being broadcasted...and I told her "That's something worth caring about."

To which she replied, "Where's Lebanon?"

All of that got me thinking, and that led to this meme. If you'd like to play, feel free to post it to your blog. I'm not tagging anyone this time. But please, come back and leave me a link once you post yours...I'd love to stop by and read it.

When Was The Last Time You...

Said "I love you?"

This morning when I left for work...told my two kids and my hubby.


Yesterday, for three very dear friends, via email and blog.

Read the Word?

Yesterday, I dug into Lamentations and Jeremiah.

Hugged someone?

This morning...I was in a rush, but hubby stopped me for a hug, and it felt so good to be held!

Told someone about Jesus?

You know, I talk about Him all the time, but I honestly cannot remember directly sharing about Him with anyone...

Shared your burden(s)?

I think I whined to my husband yesterday...does that count??

Lent a helping hand?

Yesterday at work...offered to type a letter a few days early to relieve some stress...not for me, for her!!

Told God "Thank You!"?

This morning, when He sent my hubby in to wake me up for work...overslept BIG TIME and was a little late!

Spent time being quiet?

Ummm, late yesterday...didn't read, didn't blog, didn't talk....just sat for a bit. But not long enough!

Ok, I think that will get the juices flowing on what's important in this life. If you have anything to add...feel free to let me know.

Be blessed...just because I love you!



Sharon Brumfield said...

Stopping by to say Hi! I can't do this MEME--I still owe someone else one. :)

Denise said...

I enjoyed this meme dear one, my answers are up.