
Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Who's YOUR Boss??

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Remember when we were kids, and our brother or sister tried to tell us what to do? They were older, and left in charge, or just assumed the duty of being in charge...and we wanted to do something, right or wrong...and they said no.

Or we didn't want to do our homework, or our chores...and they told us to do it.

What was the universal cry, shouted by younger siblings everywhere?

"You're not the boss of me!"

Too many Christians have this attitude with Jesus. Oh, we want Him to keep us out of hell, and we want Him to bless us with good things.

But let Him tell us no...let Him tell us how to live our lives...and we stomp our feet and cry out, "You're not the boss of me!"

When we do that, we're putting someone else in charge of our lives. Someone who knows far less, is able to do very little, and who can get us INTO jams, but not out of them.

Um...for myself...that would be ME.

I've decided that I don't want to be the boss of me anymore. God's ways are not my ways, and they are higher and better than any way I could ever dream of to go. He has a plan for my life, and He has promised me that it is not to harm me or to leave me hanging (my paraphrase!).

So, when myself tries to tell me what to do, and when Jesus cuts in and puts His thoughts into the mix...I plan on telling me "Hey, you're not the boss of me! JESUS IS, so back off, bugaloo! I'm following HIM!"

But pray for me...myself is kinda stubborn:-)

Be blessed!



Nise' said...

Preach it sister! If its not all about me, its not up to me... or something like that... I am getting tired and punchy, time to go to bed...I am never going to make it through the word verification!