
Saturday, May 05, 2007

Continuing In Prayer For Heather...


Father, thank You for the good reports we are getting! Thank You for Heather's mobility, and for keeping the pain far from her. Thank You that she is able to be up and around. Thank You that Mark is able to stay with her, at her REQUEST!!
Father, we ask that You restore her speech. We ask that You blow away any clouds of doubt or depression from her mind. We ask that those surrounding her be able to read her so that her lack of speech doesn't frustrate her. We ask that this lack of speech be temporary.
Father, thank You again that she is able to think and to understand what others communicate to her. We thank You for the good outcome so far. We trust You with our Heather, and we trust that You know what is best. We ask for what we want, and we believe You for what is best.
In Jesus' name, amen.

For updates, click here...


Edited to add: Wanna be blessed? Wanna have your socks blessed off? Go check Heather's latest update...FROM HERSELF!!


Nise' said...

Amen and Amen.

PS I love your new prayer button!