
Saturday, May 05, 2007

Don't Make Me...

I just watched a very interesting broadcast on Life Today. James Robison took a chance and booked an atheist who sold his soul on Ebay, and the man who purchased him (he insists he only RENTED him!). James took a lot of heat from that decision, and I must admit, at first I was a bit fried over it.

But I watched both shows. I have a lot of respect for James and Betty Robison, and I knew there would be truth to be gleaned if they had the guests on the show. Plus, they host Wednesdays With Beth...so they MUST be solid believers!

I was right. I did learn something. It was something I already knew, but needed to rise to the surface. The one truth I took away from the show is this:

Don't make me your project; make me your friend.

As Christians, we do this to non-believers and believers alike. We take discipleship and evangelism so seriously that we go out "looking for people to work on", or to "try our program out on." I don't think we do it intentionally, but we do it.

I know we do. I cannot begin to count how many times I ended up on a fellow believer's project list. I had some character flaw in me that God told them needed fixin' and that they were the brother or sister in Christ He sent to do it.

Can I just say that not only offended me, but it wounded me, and it damaged my identity in Christ a little--no, a lotta bit?!?

I don't mind criticism, if it comes in love and it comes from someone who takes the time to know me. You don't have to understand everything about me, but at least respect me enough to know I'm a human being and not a notch on your Bible.

How much more offended do non-believers feel when they sense they are a guinea pig for Jesus??

When I read Scripture, I see my Savior, over and over again, being relational...striking up honest and sincere conversations with the most unlikely of people...the Roman centurion, the woman at the well, Nicodemus, Zaccheus, the woman with a bleeding disorder.

Not all of these relationships ended up at Starbucks...some were momentary, some were ongoing. But the point is they were REAL, out of a REAL heart to seek those searching, needing healing, seeking answers. He didn't see the condition, He saw he person suffering from the condition.

The best doctors I've ever had were doctors who saw me, then gave me a diagnosis. We call Jesus our Great Physician...and that's why. He sees His people, His creation, and what sin has warped inside of them...and He wants to set them free.

How can we do any less?

I won't know exactly how I feel about this atheist and his buyer...I mean, friend...but I'll be letting you know on my book blog...yes, they both wrote books...and I'm skeptical.

Yet, I'm also intrigued. And I've learned a little something.

So, if I've ever made you feel like a project, please forgive me. And if you're thinking of taking me on as your project...go build a volcano instead!! But if you want to be my friend...Hi, my name is Deena, and I love Jesus with a passion unlike any other...

Be blessed, and be someone's friend...you just might lead them to Christ...at least you won't push them away...



Nise' said...

Thank you, thank you Deena for this post! I am not anyones project (I hope, maybe I just don't know it) nor do I try to make anyone my project, but I take alot of heat for being "their" friend, just being a friend! and not being more concerned with "saving 'em", like that is my job in the first place!! The critics just don't get it or me I guess. Anyway, thanks. I will have to check out that show!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more. This is my husband's biggest pet peeve. When he first came to know Jesus, everybody tried to change him. Fortunately, he's not the type to be pushed into a box, so he decided very early on to be himself. He still is the most real person I've ever known. It makes some people uncomfortable, but many, many more are refreshed by it (including me). This is a message I'm passionate about and it's always encouraging to me to find others sharing the same thoughts.