
Monday, May 28, 2007

Stickin' To My Guns!

Ever do this: You form an opinion, based on information you've gathered, researched, analyzed, and you feel very sound in your opinion.

Then someone comes along and disagrees with you...and everything you thought now comes into question.

Why do we do that? We invalidate ourselves, simply because someone doesn't see things our way.

Doesn't matter what it is...I've been known to waffle. In fact, my husband often asks me, in frustration, "Can't I just disagree with you without you flipping out on me?"

I read a book by Joyce Meyer once that dealt with this very topic, called The Root of Rejection. And that's what all of it is rooted in...rejection.

If you disagree with me, you are not only rejecting my opinion, you're rejecting me. You are proving to myself and to others that I'm not worthy.

Now, in print, that seems silly, but in real life, this is a battle I fight nearly every day. And being a book reviewer, let me read a review that disagrees with mine, or have someone comment that they liked it when I didn't, or vice versa...and am I off on a tangent now!

Now, there are a few things you can't budge me on...salvation by grace, the One true God, Jesus is God's Son, and God made flesh...the Bible is the Word of God...

But even things I'm sure of, I can be made to doubt. All because I don't fully believe in myself. If you struggle with this issue, I highly recommend the book I discussed earlier.

And feel free to disagree with me...I'm a work in progress, and it's good for me. I need to learn to stick to my guns!!

Be blessed, and know you're a blessing...no argument!!


Edited to add: I probably should have clarified...it is ok to disagree...it can even be healthy. Discussion is good, when it is done with mutual respect. But what I'm referring to is immediately assuming your opinion or thoughts are wrong or invalid simply because someone disagrees with you.

What triggered this was a book review I read on someone else's blog about a book I enjoyed, but they took issue with.

Immediately I felt like something was wrong with my judgment, and I had to talk to myself til I realized I was doing it again. I watch women like Rosie and Elisabeth argue, and admire E so much for standing up for herself...I would most likely cave, or walk away feeling I was warped for even thinking as I did...

At one time I automatically caved whenever someone disagreed with me. Now, I'm learning that everyone doesn't have to think I'm right, or to agree with my pov...I'm entitled to hold my opinion even when others don't. Not in arrogance, but in my value as a human being, created in His image, with a mind that He gave me.

Hope that clears up any misunderstanding...feel free to debate amongst yourselves!!


Sharon Brumfield said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sharon Brumfield said...

The above deleted was mine. I read back over my comment and my hands had not been moving as fast as my mind. In other words it did not make sense.
I do wish sometimes that we could all just agree. But there are also times I love a good discussion--and if we all thought the same--how boring.
But I do know what you mean about sometimes waffling or feeling like you should when others disagree.
Isn't it good that God is improving our self esteem.
Now you know He has to send those little tests along the way to show us how we are coming along.

Denise said...

I appreciate your honesty, bless you.