
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Battle of the Blues

I'm battling the blues again. Seems to be the story of my life. In high school I was diagnosed with SAD (seasonal affective disorder). I also found out, after my oldest was born, that I have classic PMS. Then there's just my general moodiness.

I've suffered from the blues for so long, I've color coded them.

Indigo Blue--sadness tinged with anger

Periwinkle Blue--spiritually fine, but physically depressed

Sky Blue--everything is fine, but it feels like something's wrong

Bluegreen--depression brought on by illness, more specifically the flu

Aqua Blue--been blue for so long you feel like you're going under for the last time

Face it, as females, we are more susceptible to the blues. Hormones, home demands vs. work demands, a never-ending "to-do" list...and our desire to make everyone happy all at once.

So, what do we do? How do we get from the blues back into the pink? What's the solution?

First and foremost, stay connected to Him. When you don't feel like praying, pray. When you don't feel like reading the Word, read it anyway. When you feel like hiding or pretending, remember that Jesus came so that we might be REAL...especially with Him.

Also, know it's common...you're not alone. Satan will do everything he can to make you feel isolated and alone...don't believe him. Someone in your circle of influence has been there, and they want to help you. Reach out.

The words, "this too shall pass," may sound like an insult, but it's true. Think back to the last event in your life...it ended, didn't it? The sermon, the childbirth, the nap, the hiccups, the sneezing fit...they all end. And the blues will end as well.

Finally, if it is so deep blue that it feels black, get professional help. I'm tired of believers making this into a spiritual issue. Sometimes it is...many times it's not. We are women, subject to all kinds of physical stressors and emotional waves. Medical intervention is often needed, and what if He is urging you to see your doctor and you refuse?

So, I'm battling the blues again today...pray for me. This is familiar territory, but I'm not planning on staying long.

Be blessed, and be a blessing to someone today...you never know...they just might be battling the blues...
