
Friday, February 09, 2007

God's Ways...

Ever have a great idea and God gets ahold of it and blows your mind?

That happened to me with this blog.

I began Wholly Devoted as a way for our women's fellowship to keep in touch between meetings. We are a small rural church and are so spread out in distance that we miss each other during the weeks we don't meet.

We began our new study, "Having A Mary Spirit" by Joanna Weaver in February...the blog began in January. I post questions encouraging dialog with our fellowship.

The mind blowing part?

We have people all across the United States and around the world checking out this blog! They aren't posting, and they may only stop by once...but they are stopping by...

So, what does this mean?

While the basic intent was for fellowship among the women and the friends of our church, God has greater purposes for this blog...and other blogs.

We will continue to post study questions from our book. And we will continue posting discussions about our book. But don't be alarmed if we go off topic and tackle things that women around the world might struggle with.

This is going to be a fun ride...so buckle up, and let's get busy for God...k?

And a bit of information...if you'd like to post, you don't have to have a google account...you can post anonymously (just put your name at the end of your post if you want me to know who you are). But google accounts are free, and easy to sign up for. And then you can post at any blog you find to read...

So, jump in...the water's great! And let's see what God's going to do...it'll blow our minds!!

Be blessed, and know we are reaching 'round the world with our blessings!!
