
Monday, February 19, 2007

Counting my Blessings or my Burdens?

You ever get into a funk? You know, one of those indescribable moods, where you just have this blech feeling, but can't put your finger on why?

We get those a lot in our house. I suspect it's because my husband is in ministry, and they are just general attacks from the enemy...we've been in ministry so long that he's better off sneaking up on us through the blahs than through a full on attack.

Anyhoo, I'm feeling a funk coming on...so I thought I'd blog:-) Nothing like sharing my feelings on the world wide web to snap a girl out of a funk, eh??

I've been thinking a lot lately (nothing new there!!)...why do I tend to count my burdens instead of my blessings? I have a wonderful life...true, it's filled with trials and struggles...but who's isn't?

The cool thing about God is He doesn't candy coat the Christian life..read James, I Peter, the Gospel accounts...it isn't "IF" troubles and trials come our way, but "WHEN"...

So, why can't I be like Paul advises me to be...thinking on the positive side of life? I'm not talking about painting everything with the rose-colored brush...life hurts and it makes us bleed, and there's no good reason to hide it from anyone.

I'm talking about focusing on the blessings instead of the burdens...for instance:

1) My oldest is away from God right now...but she's healthy (for the most part), and she is still in contact with me, which allows me to talk about God with her when maybe no one else will.

2) We homeschool, which adds to my stress level, but it is so wonderful to have my child get an "A" on an essay, and know I had a hand in helping her get the grade, and that the content in the essay is based on what she's experienced through her family.

3) My husband is a pastor who works fulltime (no such thing as a parttime pastor!), which limits his time and sometimes brings great stress into our lives. But he is an amazing man who continually blows me away with his insight into Scripture and finds gems like Mark Driscoll to share with me, which rejuvenates us both for the work God has called us to do.

4) My mom passed away in August, and she was my best friend in the entire world...but my sister and I are closer now than ever...in fact, she plans to attend our Wholly Devoted women's fellowship with me in March...if she doesn't chicken out on meeting new people...!

And the list is endless...

My life isn't easy. Compared to some, it looks like a cakewalk...compared to others, it's the crummy part of the cakewalk...but it's life.

I read this on someone else's blog, so it's not an original thought, but I did tweak it a bit...

Life is not to make me happy...it's to make me holy...so even though life gets hard, if it draws me into the arms of my Father, so be it. If it teaches me to depend on the One who is most dependable, so be it. If it prepares my heart for heaven, so be it...I know it makes me long for heaven all the more...

So, my dear friend, not to make light of your troubles and trials, but please, consider counting your blessings instead of your burdens. From someone who's been there and done that, it will lighten your load and encourage your heart...and honor and glorify your Father, who desperately loves you.
