
Saturday, February 03, 2007

Disappointed, but not discouraged...

I had hoped to be well enough to be able to attend our first study in our new book. But the flu is not easy to kick...so I'm home. Thank you, Veronica, for stepping in and teaching today!

I know it went well, and I know you all shared a lot. I only wish I could have been there to learn from all of you. Thank you for praying for our family...we are all on the mend...just more slowly than I would have liked.

I will be posting questions for our next study, chapter three, in "Having A Mary Spirit" by Joanna Weaver, over the next few weeks. Please consider getting a copy of the book and joining us on this journey.

And if you find yourself in the Marysville, California area on the first Saturday of each month, join us in person!

Be blessed, and I'll chat with you later.....


veronica said...

Deena, we all missed you very much. Thank you for permission to use your blog postings (I would have been lost without your input) Everyone was so wonderful, supportive, and most of all encouraging. We were able to laugh, cry and pray together in a safe place. I'm so thankful and blessed to be part of the journey.
To God be the Glory
PS. You do not have permission to be sick again on the first Saturday of every month.