
Friday, February 23, 2007


I'm tired.

There. I've said it. The world didn't come crashing down, God is still on His throne, and life is still moving on.

I've been tired since my mom's funeral. Seven months ago.

Life feels like a bad carnival ride. And sometimes I feel like I ate too much cotton candy and too many hotdogs...and then got on the ride.

We go and we go and we go. We do and we do and we do.

You know the song, "Life Is A Highway"? I keep watching for the rest stop sign. And I know I'm not alone...I see you there, peering at this blog through weary eyes...

Jesus said to His disciples, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest," (Mark 6:31).

Jesus is saying to me (and to you), "Come with me, Deena. Come alone, just you and Me...I'll take you someplace where you can rejuvenate yourself in Me."

It only makes sense that we need R.E.S.T.; we must have R.E.S.T.

Soldiers in battle get times of R & R (rest and relaxation) so they don't go crazy in the fighting.

Nascar drivers who don't make pit stops in their races tend to crash and burn more than most.

Doctors on rotation must get rested, or the lives they care for may be harmed more that helped.

So, why don't we take time to R.E.S.T.?

As women, we do for everyone but ourselves. And that is sin. Plain and simple. And I'm right in there with you. I haven't had a vacation since Mom died, nor been left home alone since her funeral. That's seven months of doing, giving, and sharing...and I've done give out and have nothing left...I'm running on fumes.

How about you?

Mothers of small children, women in ministry, and performers are the most prone to burnout, because we're always busy giving, serving, performing.

Where do you fall?

Jesus Himself is crying out for us to find our R.E.S.T. The Sabbath was created for a reason...and I'm not talking theology or a specific day of the week...I'm talking principle here.

I'm reading a book by Chonda Pierce called "Laughing In the Dark" that chronicles her battle with clinical depression (my review will be posted sometime later today). She was advised to take three hours a day and do nothing...absolutely nothing.

I'm not advising that. But I am telling you that if you don't allow for some down time in your life, you are never going to be fully effective for the Kingdom, for your family, and for those around you.

Many, many books are being published dealing with this very topic. A few good ones are "The Rest of God" by Mark Buchanon, "Living Simply" by Joanne Heim, and anything written by Keri Wyatt Kent.

We must take time out for us. Not to sin, not to be selfish...but to R.E.S.T. We need Relief, Energizing, Simplicity and Trust. Did you catch that? That is what rest is. Relief from our daily burdens, a chance to energize our spirits and our bodies, getting back to the simple things of life, and trusting God that, if we take some time off, He won't be disappointed in us and all will be well with our souls.

So, plan a mini-vacation. And then take it. No more excuses. Get some R.E.S.T. Remember, Jesus calls you...He calls me...to come away with Him and Him alone...

Be blessed, and get some R.E.S.T.....then be a blessing to someone else...


P.S. Go and read the 23rd Psalm...it says "He makes me to lie down in green pastures..." So, force is required to get us to rest. Is He going to have to make you, too?


Nise' said...

Thanks for the acronym (sp?) I am going to write this out on a sticky note and past it to my monitor to remind me to R.E.S.T. in order to be a blessing to someone!

veronica said...

Thanks for sharing Deena. R.E.S.T. is exactly what I need. I'm making my sign and putting it on my door this week. I can already hear my kids voices coming from behind the door trying to figure out what R.E.S.T. could possible mean. "Oh, she's probably reading, eating, singing or talking (lol) How fun.

Anonymous said...

I'm convinced that rest is a discipline and that it requires work! It is hard to rest--as women we so often feel guilty or lazy or selfish when we do.

But rest is critical. As I've made rest a priority--especially Sabbath rest--I've found that I'm a better wife, mother, self. I'm happier, more able to deal with the interruptions of life.

I love the idea of an acronym...hmmm...Relax, Enjoy, Simplify, Time out? A reminder to Really Enjoy Simple Things?