
Monday, February 05, 2007

Question Of the Week for February 5, 2007

What kind of situations bring out the "Twanda/Flesh Woman" in you?

For those not reading the book, Joanna is discussing the battle between our flesh and our spirit; what Paul talks about in Romans 7:15-24.

My flesh woman rears her ugly head in two situations without fail: when I'm feel insecure/unworthy/left out, and when I get too full of myself.

Insecure: she whispers things to me, like "Well, you know they're talking about you again." Or her favorite, "Hey, they didn't say anything when they saw you...I wonder what you did to upset them/make them mad/push them away, etc."

Of course, when I get too full of Deena and not full of the Spirit, it goes more like "Hey, you're not bad...not bad at all...in fact, these people NEED you...look at how smart you sound, how clever...you're FUNNY...oops...guess you went too far on that one...they won't be speaking to you tomorrow, you know."

And we continue to chase our tail around the mulberry bush again and again. She builds me up only to tear me down again...kind of like the military!! I wonder if she was a drill sargeant in another dimension....

Anyway, there are definitely tell-tale signs when she is taking control of me, and when the Holy Spirit has her under control...I've learned to watch for them over the course of my life, and praise God I'm getting better at recognizing her before she does too much damage.

And when I don't "get it" in time, I have a wonderful husband who is learning how to gently tell me "She" is showing again....It's a dangerous job for him, but he's up to the task!

So, what about you? If you ARE reading the book, I highly recommend pages 28-29. If you aren't reading it yet...I HIGHLY recommend the book!!

In any case, keep stopping by...there'll be more from me...this chapter packs a meaty punch...

Be blessed, and tell FW to go away, go away...go away, little girl...or something like that!!
