
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Owner, or Ownership?

I've been pondering this for a few days now, and since I think better out loud than inside my head, you get to ponder it along with me.

My husband introduced me to a dynamic pastor by the name of Mark Driscoll. He's not every one's cup of tea, but he is definitely mine, and I've been listening to his sermon series "Christians Gone Wild" on my iPod...lovin' the iPod!!

He has this wacky and wild idea that the church belongs to Jesus...that Jesus owns the church. He is merely a servant of Christ, pastoring Christ's church, and that he answers to Him. That everything about the local church should and must center around Jesus and Him alone.

So, then I began thinking...we don't own the church...that's a given. But we must assume ownership of it, or we won't care enough to participate in what happens to her.

Maybe this will help...maybe I'm a nut...I don't know...You decide.

My husband and I bought a brand new car, for the first time, last June. We don't own it...the credit company does. But we do maintain ownership of it. We are responsible for the upkeep, maintenance, payments, and general care of the car. Even though the bank owns it.

So, even when we say "The church belongs to Jesus," we still maintain ownership...we're the caretakers, if you will. We are responsible for the care and maintenance of her. So if we don't tithe, we are neglecting her. If we don't serve, we aren't caring for her. And if we aren't in some way invested in our local church body, then we won't feel we have a stake in how well she does.

Too many believers come and sit and soak and then go home. That's not what we're meant to do. We have work to do, work we are each called to do.

But, on the other hand, too many believers claim they own the church by their behavior...things must go their way, or they are done and gone...they take the ownership too far and become the rightful owner.

Jesus owns the church. She is bought and paid for with His own blood. But we are to care for her, invest in her, and serve her. As long as we keep it in perspective, we'll all do just fine. Oh, there might be some bumps and bruises along the way...but overall, the work will get done and the Lord will be served...and one day, one glorious day, He'll come and take His church home.

Til then, we've got work to do...for the Master.

Be blessed, and ask God today how you can serve Him through His church...make an investment that will last an eternity.



Steven Simpson said...

Great stuff...Is this Biblical...funny isn't it. The church has and will always belong to Jesus.