
Monday, February 05, 2007

Oh, The Things We Say!!

Have you ever noticed that we say the weirdest things?

Like, "Oh, I've picked up a bug..." meaning we got sick...I mean, who would literally pick up a bug...and then brag about it? And if we truly DID pick up a bug, we DESERVE to get sick!

Or, "I'll keep my eyes open"...of course we keep our eyes open...otherwise, we'll bump into things. That's stating the obvious, but meaning we'll be on the alert.

How about this one, "I'll be praying for you." Do we really mean that one? Or is that just code for "I don't know what else to say, and that sounds really godly, so I'll tell you that..."?

I found myself saying that to people, and then finally realized that I wasn't doing what I said. So, I began to pray for people right when the need was expressed. That way, I kept my word and didn't have to worry about forgetting.

A curious thing happened...

I felt bonded to people. I felt honored to pray for others. I felt closer to God. And I was praying more often (apparently, I promised to pray A LOT and didn't realize it!)...which was a good thing.

At first, it was a bit awkward. But now people are used to me doing it, and it seems more awkward if I don't.

Now, before you think I believe I'm super-spiritual or something...I began to do this because I didn't want to forget to pray and end up lying to people...that isn't super-spiritual...that's just practical.

And it can be a way cool experience. I even email prayers to people who have expressed needs via email. That is cool too.

So, we need to be mindful of what we say...the promises we make.........

If can keep the monkeys off our backs...........!!

Be blessed, and pray for someone...right now...
