
Monday, February 26, 2007

Dark Shadows....

This is our last week before we meet for our monthly study, so I'm busy pulling tidbits from chapter three of "Having A Mary Spirit" to share. This was a powerful chapter, and there is so much to discuss!

Such as this statement from page 33: "Because, although we've given Christ complete dominion over our spirits, He must also be welcomed into the other areas of our lives. The dark corners of our hearts still need to be evangelized. Kingdoms in our souls have yet to hear the good news. And that multilevel transformation doesn't happen all at once."

For me, the dark areas deal primarily with hurts that I carry around with me, and ways I've found to cope with the hurt. Being made fun of so much as a child, I tend to shy away from deep committed relationships. Instead, I read a lot. Books are safe, reliable, and don't tell you how (stupid, fat, ugly, unreliable, emotional, etc.) you are.

I was also very spoiled as a child. I was a late in life baby, and basically raised by myself--my brother and two sisters were already out on their own or on their way out. And by the time I came along, Mom and Dad were doing well, so they wanted to "share the wealth" with me...which meant I got anything I wanted and then some.

That doesn't go very well into marriage, let me tell you. And it has taken me years to learn to put my kids first in many areas...which is a WHOLE 'nuther topic to discuss!!!!

What about you? What are some dark areas of your life where the light of God's redeeming love needs to shine?

Food for thought, isn't it??

Praise God He loves us as we are, but too much to leave us the same!!

Be blessed, and then throw open the curtains and let Jesus shine in!
