
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Question of the Week, February 18, 2007

What does Romans 13:14 say about handling our lower nature...

"Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature."

Wow. I had to pick this one, didn't I?

Well, first of all, if I'm clothed in Him, I won't feel the need to cover myself with my own works and good stuff that I do. I suppose this is what Scripture means when it talks about being clothed in His righteousness.

The second part of the verse....well, that just nails my hide to the wall. I'm always plotting and planning on how to accomplish this or how to obtain that thing, that book, that dinner out with my husband.

I exhaust myself conniving and creating scenarios and arguments and debates inside my head, always, always, always for my own satisfaction and purposes.

My favorite is when someone upsets me or makes me mad, and I spend DAYS getting my pound of flesh, thinking of clever comebacks and snide remarks and dazzling debates to get my point across and feel satisfied with the outcome.

That makes me so incredibly tired...and what does it profit me?

A big, fat NOTHING.

If only I thought as much about furthering the kingdom, encouraging a brother or sister in Christ, serving my church family, and doing my best to out give a more than generous Heavenly Father.

Time to go change clothes...my filthy rags for His robe of righteousness...

Your turn!

Be blessed my dear family!!
