
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Question of the Week, February 10, 2007

Look at the sidebar in our book, "Conviction versus Condemnation" on page 37. How do these two things work in your life? Which side do you want to live on? Why?

For those who don't yet have a copy of our book, here we go:

pinpoints problems
targets specific actions
leads to repentance (godly sorrow)
offers solutions
makes us hopeful
enables us to change
brings us closer to God

obscures problems
makes general accusations
leads to regret (worldly sorrow)
appoints blame
makes us hopeless
keeps us from change
drives us away from God

So, which do you live under, conviction or condemnation?

For me, it's most often condemnation...and yes, I know the Scripture that tells me I don't live at that address anymore. That gives me understanding, but it doesn't always give me peace.

When you've lived in the same home for years, decades even, and you move to a new address, sometimes you mindlessly drive back to where you came from. And sometimes you have such strong memories of your previous dwelling that you can't get comfortable in your new one, even though it's cleaner, more spacious, and in a much better neighborhood.

I lived on Condemnation Avenue for most of my life, courtesy of my dad, my church, and many other people in my life. I finally was motivated to move around 8 years ago...and it's hard to remember where I live now at times.

I hear a certain tone of voice and I'm right back in my old neighborhood. A look of reproof from a strong personalitied individual, and I'm packing my stuff and hooking up the old U-Haul. Or a bad habit reappears and the self-loathing tapes begin to roll.

Sounds pathetic, doesn't it?

But the good news is I'm quicker to respond in His grace, and I'm beginning to recognize when I've migrated to the old neighborhood and to scurry back home where I belong. Maybe one day I won't even remember Condemnation Avenue...I don't know, I lived there for so long.

Joanna's warning hit home with me: what starts as conviction by the Holy Spirit can quickly turn to condemnation from the enemy if we don't respond immediately with repentance.

This is true...and another very good reason why we can't afford to hide behind masks of perfection any longer. We have to be real and honest, to take the Scripture to heart that says "Confess your sins to one another, and PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER, that you may be healed" (James 5:16).

Did you catch those capital letters in that verse...it doesn't say gossip, share, fix, rebuke, condemn, or any of the other words we are prone to insert...it says to PRAY for one another.

The two go hand in hand. Confess, and pray. Maybe if we do both, the church will be more relevant to a lost and dying world...food for thought.

Now, it's your turn...come on, ya know ya wanna!!

Be blessed, 'cause I love you!



veronica said...

Unfortunately, I too tend to live under condemnation. But, Im learning that there is a big difference between the way the Holy Spirit speaks to me and how the enemy speaks to me. When I sin (which if often), Satan often attacks me with feeling of guilt and condemnation. However, the Holy Spirit convicts me in such a way that my heart goes to God in prayer to ask for forgiveness.
The next question(#7) in our study starts off with "Aren't you glad God looks at us through the blood of Christ"? So, when the voice of the enemy keeps reminding me of my sins, Iwill remember the One who freed me from condemnation.