
Thursday, February 22, 2007


One of the biggest struggles I see in the lives of the people I love who believe in Jesus is this...allowing Him to transform them. This is covered again and again in our book, "Having A Mary Spirit."

We are flesh, and we are spirit, and the two war against one another. In order to walk according to the spirit, we have to feed that part of us. Through preaching, teaching, study of God's Word, and prayer, our spirit becomes stronger and able to crucify the flesh when it rises up.

We call this "transformation".

But transformation takes time, takes work, takes effort...most of all, it takes surrender to His divine Will and purpose for us. We won't always have the answers we want or think we need...we won't always know how it's going to go or when it's going to be over...we won't always know the outcome or end result...except that we'll look more like Him and less like us.

Sometimes I think we are willing to let Jesus be Savior, but not Lord. "You can keep me out of hell, Jesus, and forgive me when I sin...but do NOT tell me what to do!"

He cannot be our Savior if He is not our Lord...He doesn't just want to forgive us, He wants to transform us...He has to be able to tell us what to do, because we don't know what to do on our own.

It doesn't matter if we're 10, 20, 30, or 70...we will always need Jesus to guide us, instruct us, correct us....to transform us.

Remember that old commercial for the Transformer toys..."Transformers--more than meets the eye..." That should be us. There should be more to us than just what is seen on the outside...we have the Spirit of God dwelling inside us. Let Jesus transform you today into more than meets the eye...

You won't regret it. But you will have to let Him tell you what to do.

Be blessed, and then let Him use you to bless someone else.


P.S. Still battling the headache, and have a major life decision to make with my family...please continue to keep us in prayer. Thank you!!


veronica said...

It's hard for me to admit sometimes but I actually love the transforming process. Why? It has opened my mind more and more to the love and mercy God has for me. As much as it hurts sometimes I can look back and see progress (finally).
PS. Praying for you Deena.